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Some people hate school. Not me, obviously...
But like, I get to: read, learn, and see my friends, so why would anyone hate it? Because they actually don't care whatsoever about their future, that's why. I was walking to 4th period yesterday and someone was like "I hate (my favorite teacher) because she gave me an F when I didn't do the quiz." And guess what, their friends agreed with them.

Does anyone else want to plan their life out before you get to the last year of high school?
It might just be me, but that's ok.

When I was little (5-6) I knew I wanted to be a scientist, and I've kept with that dream so far.
Biologist or Anatomist, I don't know yet.

Does anyone else need to get all A's? I know that isn't as strange as other things, but if I get anything lower than a B-, then it feels like I've failed.

A/N: Hello everyone (just my friends) that reads these, thank you. Anyway, these are pretty much things I do when I'm bored, or I'll write these things when I notice that I do them. Habits, I guess. Also, I'll add songs that I'm listening to when I'm writing this (on repeat c:) but remember you DO NOT have to listen to them, it's optional.
Again, there will NOT be any scheduled plan for this little thing.

p.s. Tysm for reading, Ik my friend that reads these doesn't read it multiple times, so Tysm!

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