He couldn't have just erased Fei's existence from El Dorado's database or something? Since he's in such a high position, I think that is very possible.

Kimiko, just leave it alone. He held back a sigh. This is for them to settle as a family. It doesn't matter what we think, it only matters what Fei thinks.

Well... yeah...

"... You're too late."


"You're too late! Everything is too late!"

"It's never too late! You must leave Feida now." The man reached for him, but he stepped back.

"You're all selfish... Saru... And also..." He didn't have to continue that sentence. His glare was enough.

"Listen to me, Fei. If you continue to stay in Feida, your soul will be consumed by Saru's evil heart."

"My feelings won't change."

"Fei!" Tenma called. "In any case, let's hear what your father has to say."


"Tenma, you be quiet!" Only then did tears begin to gather. He was that close to breaking.

Kimiko wanted to drag the brunette back, but before she could, another brunette stepped up.



"Don't act so unreasonably!"

"What's with you, Kinako?"

"Listen to your father!"

"Mind your own business! Why do you keep butting into my affairs anyway? None of this concerns you!"

"It does! Fei is... Fei is my son!"




"Well, I did not expect that." She heard Zanark mutter from the very back of the group.

"I'm... Kinako's son? Don't be silly..."

"Kinako is speaking the truth." Asurei stated.

"But Kinako and Fei are the same age." Aoi pointed out.

"They can't be mother and son!" Shinsuke said.

"No..." Wondeba interjected. "It's possible."

"This Kinako is the one I brought through time jump from the year she was the same age as Fei. She is, without any doubt, Fei's mother."

"I thought so."

"I debated over who would fit the role of watching over Fei while I was in Feida. That's when I decided to ask his mother, Kinako."

The explanation that they got was that he travelled to the time period when his wife was still their age to watch over their son. Of course, that Kinako would be confused, but when she asked why he didn't just ask the 'her' who was already his wife, it almost took a depressing turn. Kinako herself didn't want to know, so after some thought, she agreed.

"So the reason Nanobana suddenly was a member of the soccer club is because Fei's father made an interruption modification." Shindou summed.

Out of everyone across all the timelines we've travelled through... I really should've tried to read Kinako's mind.

To be fair, since she was integrated with our timeline and all the people we know, there was no way to tell how different she really was from us...

Kinako nodded before addressing Fei again. "Your father wasn't okay with leaving you either. He was always worried about you. That's why he became Supporter X and came to me for help. You were never alone. Your father and mother were there watching over you."

"I see..." Fei looked down. "That's why Kinako knew so much about me..." When he looked up again, his frown deepened. "What's the point of telling me this now? I can't go back anymore. Everyone trusted me and I betrayed them! Even if I leave Feida now, I have nowhere else to go!"


"You do, Fei!" Tenma said with a smile. "Your home is here."


"Of course! We're friends who played soccer with each other all this time! When you said you loved soccer, that definitely wasn't a lie. That's why you tried to protect soccer along with us, right? Your home is here. No matter what happens, this is your home!"


"Tenma is right." Shindou smiled, joining in. "We know how Fei was more serious than any of us about protecting soccer."

"Come back."




Seeing his son finally return, Asurei turned to them. "Thank you, Tenma. Everyone."

The boy then began to walk away.

"Fei!" Tenma called. "We'll be waiting for you!"

He nodded.

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