"Evolve, huh..." Tsurugi looked down in thought before her voice came through his memories.

"What's worse is that my keshin isn't even complete..."

His eyes widened. "Could it be... her completed keshin?"


"She said that the Acheri no Megami we knew wasn't complete. There was something missing from it."

"So now, it is complete, but she is unable to control it." Kongming concluded. "Rather, she has become its puppet."

"What do you mean?" Liu Bei asked.

The woman pointed her feathered fan past the bushes. There, they saw the blonde girl walking by like the dead come to life. It did look like the giant archer was the one dragging her along.

"... hurts... It hurts..." Her hoarse voice repeated over and over. "... Make it stop... It hurts..."

"How is she not tired from using it this long?" Midori asked.

"Well, if what Kongming-san say is true, and that she really is under her keshin's control, then her physical condition might not matter at all." Shindou said. "For all we know, it could be eating away at all of her strength to persist all this way."

"... I have to do something!"

"Tsurugi, wait!"

Ignoring his senior, the navy haired boy jumped out of their hiding spot, shadows coming out of his back. "Kensei Lancelot!"

Two pairs of purple eyes landed on him, one wide in fear and the other indifferent. The archer pointed her bow at him and drew back the string. Letting go, the girl let out a cry as multiple arrows came his way.

"Lancelot!" He held his arms out and the giant knight's shield blocked the arrows raining down on them. "Alright!"

"Tsurugi, watch out!"

He turned just in time to dodge the sudden attack. "What the... What kind of archer uses their bow like that?!"

The giant didn't listen and kept trying to swing it down on him like a hammer. He called back his avatar to save energy as he continued dodging.

"Why... did you come out?" Kimiko suddenly asked.


"You should've just... stayed hidden... That way... no one would... get hurt..."

He stopped moving and summoned his keshin again, blocking the bow with his shield. "What are you talking about? Of course I'd come out! I can't just leave you like this!" He let out a cry and used the shield to push her back a few steps before calling it back again. "Alright!"

"That's not... enough..." The archer drew its string back and multiple arrows came at him. "Run!"

"Crap...!" They came at him at such a high speed that he didn't have time to react.

Luckily, he didn't have to.




The musician's baton deflected them while the flag warrior used her shield to protect him. The samurai swung its swords at the archer, making her back off and stopping the rain of arrows.

"Shindou-senpai! Kirino-senpai! Nishiki-senpai!"


"You're so reckless!"

On The Side Of The Pitch With Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें