bonus: saejin

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The young boy sat at the counter, eating his porridge slowly as he watched his mother fry the chicken.

"Eomma, do you love me? " He asked suddenly.  Yerin paused, a little surprised at her son's question. She turn the gas stove off, turning to face her son.

"What makes you say so? " She asked, concern. The boy puffed his cheeks out.

"Mineun told me that aunt Chaeyang sleeps with her every night. But I never slept with you. "

Yerin sighed. She approached her son, patting his head. "I'm sorry..."

"You don't have to be sorry. "

The young boy scowled as Sunghoon entered the kitchen. He gave his son a look, and kissed Yerin. "Your mum is mine. Go get someone else to sleep with you. "

Yerin pinched Sunghoon's arm. "You can't say that to a six-year-old. "

Sunghoon rubbed his arm, looking a little wronged. He then glared at his son, pointing a finger in his face.

"Park Eunkyung, I'm warning you. Don't you dare lay a finger on my wife. "

"You wait. " Eunkyung bared his teeth at his father. "I'll steal eomma away from you. "

Yerin resisted the temptation to roll her eyes. Ever since Eunkyung was born, Sunghoon had never not spend a day dissing his son and pestering her for a daughter. She shake her head and turned her attention back to the chicken.

"If that day comes, I'll break your hands. " Sunghoon threatened. Eunkyung lifted his chin smugly.

"You can try. " He paused, and frowned. "Saejin hyung said that he will take his eomma away from his appa too. "

Sunghoon choked on his coffee. "What? "



Sunoo sighed, looking at the amount of customers. Niki walked to the kitchen, stretching. "Do you think Jungwon hyung found them yet? "

Sunoo shrugged. "Saejinie is clever. "

Behind them, Jake leaned on the door casually. "Where d'you think that little rascal take Raejin to? "

Jay looked up from the flour. "What? "

"Nothing. " Jake pouted. "Are you even paying attention to me? "

"No. " Jay replied. Jake folded his arms angrily.

"I'm never going to talk to you ever again. "

Seeing this, Sunoo tutted. "I'm so glad I'm not as childish as him. "

Niki grabbed his hand. "Even if you're childish, I will still go along with you. "

That sent a blush creeping up Sunoo's cheeks. The older cleared his throat, and then a cheeky smile appear on his lips.

"How long d'you think Jake hyung will talk to Jay hyung again? "

"In ten minutes. "

"I say five. "

"50 dollars? "

"Deal. "

At this moment, Jay put the dough into the oven, ignoring Jake. The latter looked towards Sunoo and Niki for help, and the couple avoided his eyes.

"I heard that you were having fun at the pub last night. " Jay said lightly, out of nowhere. Jake stood up straighter, suddenly looking afraid.

"Flirting with a group of woman. " Jay continued, and Sunoo could hear the jealously in his voice.

Jake raised his right hand up with three fingers outstretched. "I didn't, I swear! Sunghoon can vouch for me! "

Jay sniffed and stop talking. Jake considered for a moment, before pulling his sleeve lightly.

"I'm sorry... " He whined slightly. Sunoo turned to glare at Niki. "If I ever hear the same thing about you... "

"That won't happen. " Niki said almost immediately. Sunoo cleared his throat, and pushed some drinks into his hand.

"Table 14."


Jungwon played with the knife as he watched his son dragging his wife to the market from inside the car.

That little rascal hadn't realized that he have been following them for the whole day.

Jungwon stepped on the accelerator lightly, as the mother and son begin window shopping.

Should he send that little rascal to Beomgyu hyung's?

That is a good idea.

He blinked, and a dark expression formed on his face.

Raejin and Saejin were gone.


"Here, Eomma. "

Raejin panted, as her son dragged her into the department store. She shake her head at him, pinching his cheeks.

"Good job! "

Saejin sighed, not bothering to remove his mother's fingers away. He had spotted the car's reflection and realised that man is following them.

Saejin doesn't feel like Jungwon is his dad. Instead, he feels that Jungwon is a kid. A childish man who always fight with him for his mother's attention.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw a stranger peeping at Raejin as she check the clothes on the rack. His eyes narrowed, and anybody who knows Jungwon would be surprised at how much his son looks like him right now.

"Eomma. I'll be right back. " He said, and Raejin hummed in reply.

In the pocket of Saejin's jeans, a folded knife sat there, with dried blood of its previous owner still staining it, preparing to serve its new owner...

Officially kkeut~

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