bonus: eye

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"...Please, tell Soobin hyung. "

The girl raised a brow, watching as the black haired boy speak urgently into his phone.

"No, what do you mean by that? Yeonjun hyung, I'm not dum- Hello? Yes, I'm coming back to Kore-" The boy stopped abruptly, spotting the girl, who was hanging off the staircase.

"I'll call you guys later. " He cut the call, as the girl clapped from the stairs.

"Lieutenant Huening, a traitor. " She walked down casually from the stairs. "How surprising. "

"Are you going to report me, then? " He asked the girl. She grinned.

"Am I that kind of person to you? " She twirled her hair around her finger. "This group is going to go down sooner or later. "

"Yuqi-ssi. " Kai removed the SD card in front of Yuqi, breaking it under his boots. "I believe that the dead keep secrets. "

"You do? " Yuqi's nostrils flared. "Pity. "

They moved fast. Kai pull out the pistol from his back, and Yuqi running towards Kai, a dagger in her hands.

They fought. Yuqi attempting to pull the gun off Kai's hand and Kai blocking Yuqi's dagger.

"By the wa...way, " Yuqi panted, kicking Kai, who grunted and pushed her. "I guess we have the same belief. "

Kai's eyes widened, as the tip of the blade inserted into his eye-


Yuqi walked into the room, where an old man waited.

"Where is the betrayer? " He turned, surveying the bloody Yuqi. She raised an eye in reply. "Burned. "

The old man stood up. "Yuqi-ah. Are you really not going to consider my son? " He asked. Yuqi sat down casually, rolling the eye in between her fingers. "No. But I can assist him. Uncle Cai,  he's only an older brother. "

The old man stared at her for a while, and he nodded. "Fair enough. "

"I'll be off then. " Yuqi nodded her head, throwing the eyeball on the table and exiting the room cooly. Once she reached the room, she staggered into the bathroom, retching.

She kneeled over, vomit and tears falling into the toilet bowl. Her hands gripped the edge of the sink next to the toilet bowl, and she wiped her mouth with her hand when the nausea was over.

"Assist Cai Xukun? " She sneered. "He killed Shuhua. Assist him? "

She washed her hands, rubbing the blood off.


The unfamiliar voice woke Kai up.

Kai opened his eyes, sitting up.

Then he realized, his world was in complete darkness.

He couldn't see.

His fingers reached up to his eyes, feeling bandages wrapped around them.

"You're awake? "

A female voice. Kai turned towards the direction where the voice was coming from. "Who are you? "

"You don't have to know who she is. What's Yuqi thinking? Bringing him back to Korea? "

"Just do it. Bring him to who again? "

"Choi Yeonjun. "

"Who? Don't tell me it's that long-legged spider. "

"He's good-looking. Don't call him a spider. "

Kai listened to the conversation, utterly confused. Wasn't he supposed to be dead?

"Boys. " Someone tutted. "Can we just knock him out and leave him outside the... What's that, gaming bar? "

There were murmurs of agreement. Then, before Kai could even protest, something sharp was inserted to the back of his neck, and his world faded away once more.


Yeonjun folded his arms, as he watch Beomgyu check Kai's injuries.

"Only his eye, hyung. " Beomgyu said, stepping away from the sleeping maknae. Yeonjun grasped the letter addressed to him tightly in his hand, and Beomgyu stood up straighter.

"Er, hyung, should I go...? " He beckoned towards the door. Yeonjun nodded, his jaws tightening. Beomgyu quickly scampered off, closing the door behind him.

Yeonjun took the letter up, reading it.

"An eye for ShuHua's life. Yuqi. "

Yeonjun breathed, running a hand down his hair.

Although Yuqi used a nasty tone, Yeonjun know that she had saved Kai from some sort of trouble.

He looked towards Kai, still gripping the letter.

"I'm sorry. "


Yes, this is why Kai has only one eye! Hope you guys are satisfied!

-retirw for other content!

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