What if the changes done in that timeline were undoable? Or what if the fake timeline becomes permanent while they were experimenting with the other one?

That's... He couldn't argue with that, she knew. So the only 'good' timeline is the one we know, huh...

Hey, cheer up. He's got that surgery already. And in a few months, he'll be on his feet again, so we should focus on getting soccer back before then so he wouldn't have to wait any longer. She placed a hand on his shoulder with a small smile. That's what you were thinking off while you were watching Fei and Shindou-san, right?

Yeah... He sighed. You too, actually.

She blinked at that. Me?

If there was a timeline where you didn't have to go through all that, then honestly, I also want to try making it a reality.

Kyou... Thanks. In all truths, she was touched that he would consider it. Nothing could ever make her happier than hearing how much he cared about her. But... But I don't regret any of that, you know. No matter how painful it was, all I had to do was remind myself of the reason why I did what I did and it kept me from breaking.

And that reason is...?

Because I love you.

She couldn't help a laugh when he nearly choked on his dango. You wha―?!

Well, of course! She showed an innocent smile. You're my best friend, after all!

Wha― You little... His gaze turned into a glare. You can't just say stupid things like that out of nowhere!

Hey, I know you love me too!

I'll kick you into the river.

And you didn't deny it! Yay!

Ugh... Maybe I really will kick you out.

Their mental banter continued on until they got back.


The next day...

"The banquet for cherry blossom viewing is finally today!" Tenma said.

"Shindou, our plan depends on whether or not you are able to take in Nobunaga's aura." Wondeba stated. "Are you ready?"

"I don't know." He admitted.

"I'm sure you can do it." Fei smiled. "I'm sure Shindou will be able to MixiMax. I believe in you."

"Fei..." With that, he gave a more confident nod.

"Okay then, we're counting on you, Shindou!"

"Alright!" Nishiki suddenly yelled. "Let's dance 'til we drop!"

Then, a pair of sticks came from behind him. "Nishiki, these are for you." Midori called, smiling smugly. "You're in charge of the taiko drum."


But Midori only moved on to the other two boys who didn't join practice. "Shindou, Tsurugi, you two take the flutes."

"Even if you gave that to me, I don't know how to play." The navy haired boy stated.

Kimiko chuckled. "If only this time period knew about electric guitars, huh?"

"Eh― Tsurugi, you can play guitar?"

Before he could reply to the brunette, the blonde girl cut in. "And saxophone. And sing."

"But you decided to run when it's dance, huh."

"Whatever I'm good at doesn't change the fact I can't play that."

"That won't be a problem. I prepared this." Wondeba took out a sound recorder and music began playing.

"If I don't actually have to play drums, then let me dance!"

"That's really convenient, though." Kimiko said, ignoring the older boy. "Then, what'll I do?"

"I was thinking you can play the flute too, but in this era, all girls are expected to be dancers." Midori said with a huff.

"Then, what if I just wear the boy's outfits? No one will know, right?" She patted on her upper body, to signal her what she meant. "I'd just look like a feminine boy. You know, like Shindou-san."

Said boy choked while the redhead hummed in thought. "That is true. Your body's still not quite there yet, which is normal given your age." She sighed. "Alright, fine. You're one of the boys for today."

Yes! Escape success! She grinned at friend, who only rolled his eyes in return.

"Then, since that's settled..." Wondeba cleared his throat, changing all their flustered expressions into seriousness. "Now, let us be off! The banquet awaits!"


Using the Wondeba Switch, they all changed into the traditional dancing outfits they needed. Tenma and Shinsuke wore blue while Aoi, Akane, and Midori were in pink. The musicians were in white and black, with Fei and Wondeba not wearing anything different since they won't be performing.

After failing a number of times to get inside, though they really would've already gotten in if it weren't for Nishiki's little joke, they enlisted the help of Toukichirou. A single round of loud and overexaggerated acting later, they were in.

Wondeba hid in a bush while Fei stood behind Nishiki and the large drum as he played the music from the recorder. Shindou, Tsurugi, and Kimiko were on the other side of the stage with their flutes, and the rest were spread out.

Their performance was underwhelming to say the least, but Toukichirou rolled a ball to Tenma's foot, who immediately knew what to do.

His juggling got everyone's attention. "It isn't dancing we should be doing. It's soccer!"

"I see!"


The ball was passed to the ex-captain and he immediately followed along. If we show off our soccer, rather than a dance filled with pretense...

Tsurugi received the pass. It has a greater chance of pulling in people's attention! He then kicked it upwards.

"Oh, I don't know what's going on anymore!" Shinsuke took off his hat in a panic and jumped after it, heading it to Nishiki, who continued to do tricks happily without questioning anything.

"Alright, over to you!"

Kimiko's eyes widened when the ball suddenly came to her. Her instincts made her jump and trap the ball in the air before kicking it back to her friend and landing.

"Don't want to join in?" He asked, balancing it on his thigh. "It's not a match, you know."

She shook her head with a small smile. "I'm good. You guys have fun."

"Suit yourself." He bounced it a few times before passing. "Tenma!"

"Got it!"

They kept at it for a few minutes, and only stopped when they heard Shindou's grunt. Suddenly, they were all surrounded by guards.

"Villains!" A girl's voice came. "These insolent knaves were plotting to kill you, Nobunaga-sama! Look! Here is proof!"

When she looked over, Kimiko found Beta holding up the MixiMax guns.

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