the ear wax.

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zay sings a lyric from a song with a voice crack
"stream with me i'm going to be your E! boy"
the melody that came out flustered kimberly's ears
kimberly's ears tickles to the amazing singing that was there
"wow!" they said in sync with little crusty earwax flying out one by one
the yellow crusty ear wax fell on the blue fuzzy blanket with a tiny bump
zay's eyes widened as they watched the flakey ear wax fall onto the blanket.
"ITS ALL MINE!!!" zay screeched at the top of their lungs.
zay lunges towards the mountain of crustiness and sticks out their tongue.
"deeeelicious" zay says as their tongue collects the specs of ear wax
"i've been craving these since last week!" zay continues, pinching some of the ear wax into their special ear wax pouch
"i'm gonna save these little guys for later" zay said in a slightly suspicious tone
kimberly watched in horror as her sibling was obsessing over her disgusting and smelly ear wax
she screamed at the top of her lungs, "DADDY!! ZAY IS EATING MY EAR WAX!!"
her dad replied saying "haha good joke kimberly"
kimberly, who was now determined to prove her dad wrong, reached for her phone and opened the camera app
amy, who was still licking up the ear wax didn't notice and started sniffing the crusty pieces of ear wax
kimberly snapped a few quick shots of amy and quickly sent them to her dad, awaiting his response
suddenly, the siblings heard tiny footsteps walking towards kimberly's room
their dad emerged from behind the door and said
"zay you are arrested for eating kimberly's ear wax."
the end.

zay the ear booger eater Where stories live. Discover now