October 1 2011

3 0 0

I was walking in to my house after a long day at work, I walked in and called out for my fiance " darling I'm home!" I got no answer.

"Zada honey come down im home!" I called saying her name this time. Still no reply. I started to search the house and I still couldn't find her the one place I didn't check was the bedroom. I walked up the stairs and opened the door just to find her asleep. Really i thought looking at her while standing in the door way.

"Darling, wake up" I said walking over to her side of the bed

" We have to still plan are wedding we haven't decided on a date yet." I said shaking her gently.

" I don't want to get up" zada said

"You have to we also have a date to go on so get up and dressed, or we can sit in here and watch movies while and plan tomorrow, would you like that?" I said with a smile and I sat on the foot of the bed

"Mhm" Zada said rolling over to face my side of the bed.

" Okay my love, I'll be right back to lay in bed after I shower love you" I said getting gof the bed and heading to the bathroom

" Okay, love you to zada"


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