Hate comments

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An hour later, sniffling is heard from Regina's room and Regina walks in, and sees Sav curled up in a ball, crying. She shuts the door behind her and walks over to sav.

Regina- hey there.. what's wrong?

Sav pushes his phone to Regina and she looks at the comments.

Nobody cares
Once a girl always a girl
She will always be Savannah.
Nobody cares. Just go kys fag.

Savannah starts crying more as Regina sees the comments.

Regina- Hey there.. dont worry about them.. they're just mad because you are you..

Sav- B-but what does Kys mean..

Regina- I-I cant tell you that yet..
Your too young.. plus.. itll hurt you like it did to me.

Sav grabs his phone back and starts typing the definition and once he finds it, he drops his phone crying..
He goes under his pillow and grabs something he hid under there and once regina sees it, she freezes.

Regina- T-Thats my B-Blade...

Sav- Yes.. Yes it is.. and I'm so so close to using it!

Sav clenches his fist and puts the blade to his wrist. Before Regina can even react, slit he already did it. Regina takes the blade away immediately.
She text Melvin.


What's up lil sis?
What's wrong?

Can you come in the room..
Just.. you.. it's about Sav..

Ok.. I'm coming.

Melvin walks in and sees both Regina and Sav crying.
He closes the door behind him.

Melvin- What happened?

Regina- Sav. Show Uncle Mel what you just did.

Sav- No!

Regina- Fine.

Regina holds up the blade and points to Sav.

Regina- The comments are getting to him..

Melvin- Hey Sav.. Can I see.. I dont want to force it..

Sav- I dont want to!

Melvin- You have to Sav or I have to tell the others..

Sav- Fine..

He pulls his sleeve up. Turns out, the cut was deeper than any of the cuts he had seen so he had to bring the others into this.
As Melvin attempts to stop the bleeding, regina texts the others to come into the room.


The Adventures Of Sav Lee GineraWhere stories live. Discover now