24. crazy

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gianna knocked on the seaveys front door, shaking her nerves expecting to see daniel open it like he has every single time

she was holding daniels sweater that he had left in her arms, using this as an excuse to see him.

the boy had been running through her mind back and forth for the past few days and it was driving her crazy.

she rehearsed everything she wanted to say before the door swung open interrupting her train of thought.

christian stood there with the most shocked look on his face, getting ready to shout in excitement he went,"gia-"

before she cut him off by shaking her head no, not wanting too much attention on her while shes in this state of nervousness. "hey christian," she smiled

"oh my god, gia," he went in to hug her, "we thought we'd never see you again," he squeezed,

"gia i missed you so much!" incoming the female seavey, jumping into the hug.

"i would never ditch you guys like that you know that," gianna giggled, soon remembering what she was here for

"sorry for ending this fast, but wheres daniel? i'll come back i swear," she said, actually wanting to stay and chat with them

anna gasped and oh'd, "he's in his room, go right ahead you know where it is," she smiled, stepping aside to let her ahead, christian doing the same

as gia walked towards to hall she heard extremely quiet mumbles coming from the seavey siblings but she decided to figure iut what they said later.

she took a deep breath as she stepped up to his door, letting her shaky fist come up to knock on the door

"come in!" daniel shouted, it was clear that he was very tired, maybe he was sleep?

gia went for it, opening the door, seeing the boy laying shirtless with his eyes closed in bed,

she scrambled to drop his sweatshirt on his nearby chair,"oh, i can just leave this here and i'll lea-"

"gia?" he popped up at the sound of her voice, "wait what?" he looked at her confused

"you're hoodie you left?" she pointed to the sweatshirt she had dropped

daniel glanced back and forth at her and his sweatshirt, waiting for his brain to process it, "oh! you couldve kept it i dont care about that one," he shrugged

"well i didnt want it" she stared at him, right into his eyes as he did the same thing

"it looked better on you anyways." he sighed, plopping back down on his back, "is that all you were here for?"

"yeah. sorry to wake you-"

"not sleep. not anymore at least, either way don't apologize,"

gia nodded, not knowing what to say she started walking to the door,

"gianna." he said, as if he knew thats not all she wanted

she turned back around seeing him now sitting on the edge of his bed, "what?" she responded

"come here," he patted to seat next to him,

gianna stared at his hand as he patted the bed, "for what," she shrugged

she started to get bitter again and daniel could tell, he didnt want to go through all of that so he just got up, walked up and grabbed her hand, dragging her to the spot he told her to go in

"remember what i said? last time we were in your bathroom?" daniel looked at her,

gia hummed in response, looking down at her knees

"tell me how you feel," daniel said softly,

"daniel," she inhaled, she wasnt sure if she was ready for the conversation or not,

"im sorry but you have to, i need to know." he stated, "i dont want to wait any longer confused on if we're getting back together or not."

"daniel you know how i feel already." she mumbled, slowly growing annoyed

"but i dont! i need to hear you say that shit otherwise its not true,"

"what do you mean? is me not being mad at you not enough? would someone who doesnt want to be with you get mad that you possibly want another girl?" she furrowed her eyebrows at him

"thats not what im saying gianna." he wanted to attempt to calm the fire he started but he wasnt sure how,"every moment im not with you it hurts, you are one of the best people to ever come into my life and i dont want to lose you like that,"

"and i dont want to lose you either, its just the thought of you and franny possibly doing anything behind my back scares me," she confessed, now looking him right in the eye

daniel grabbed her by the chin and said, "thats why i explained to you what i did the other day, i would never do that to you." he said, wrapping his arms around her

she hugged him back, finally accepting his truth, daniel brung his hands up to her head, lifting it slightly up so he can kiss her on the forehead, then began caressing her face

"im sorry." he whispered, staying in his position

gianna didn't respond but she softly shoved him down onto the bed, grabbed his covers and climbed on top of him, cuddling him until they both ended up falling asleep



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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