Chapter 10 - Almost Spring - (Short)

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Ink's POV

I filled two buckets with water while humming a song to myself. The wind blew softly, moving my brown scarf with it.

  Once the buckets were completely filled, I picked them before walking towards a certain hill. The walk was silent as I  trudged up the muddy grass.

  Then, I entered the cemetery that my ancestors rested in. I poured water on the flowers and plants before stopping at a tomb. It was still quite clean and new compared to the others. It was my mother's grave.

  I kneeled, staring at the symbols that were engraved in the stone. I bowed with a small smile.

Me: Good morning, mother. Do you mind if I talk for a little bit?

  I rested in a comfortable position, beginning to speak.

Me: These recent days have been quite strange. This mysterious man named Error somehow manages to make me timid and flustered all the time. A village was burned down and we don't even know who caused it. I wish you were here to guide me.

  After a few minutes of useless hope, I sighed and stood up.

Me: Thank you for listening mother.

  As I turned around, I saw Error standing there. I screamed in surprise, pulling out a kodachi for defense. I calmed down once I processed who it was. I angrily huffed as I put my blade away.

Me: Don't do that, Error. I can accidentally hurt you.

Error: I apologize for startling you. I was just wondering what you were doing.

Me: I'm honoring my family.

  He nodded, looking around at the gravestones. My eyes moved up to the red tree and Sakura tree that stood over us. Pink blossoms were blooming and red leaves were falling.

Me: Spring is almost here.

  Error's expression suddenly changed to a more worried one.

Error: Yeah... spring... mating season is almost here.

  I noticed that he almost seemed nervous about his words.

Me: For the animals, yes.

Error: For the... animals.

  He let a small awkward laugh. I decided to brush it off as I started to leave the cemetery. Error joined at my side soon after.

  A thought came to me while I walked. I remembered the scroll about dragons that I had read a few days ago. There was a section about mating season. However, the scroll itself wasn't very important since I didn't exactly believe in dragons.

  Suddenly, my body became extremely hot. I fell to the ground, feeling weakened by the change of my temperature. My breathing picked up in pace.

Error: Ink. Are you okay?

  He kneeled down, putting his hand on my back. This for some reason, made me feel even hotter. Luckily the heat disappeared as quickly as it came and I was back to normal.

Me: I'm okay. It must have been a...

Heat flash

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