The Start of the Storm

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"We should keep looking there looks like there's some dark clouds rolling in," Martin said pointing to the sky.

Chris nodded and the brothers continued on there search for the pack.

Your POV 

(Martin is 25 Chris is 22)

You where standing behind a tree and bush watching two men about your age. They where talking about needing to find the pack before the storm hit. You looked up at the sky and seen the dark clouds. That's when it hit you they where probably looking for the wolf pack. You turned to leave but the first step you took you stepped on a stick. It made a loud sound and you ran.

Bros POV

Chris and Martin searched for another hour before it started to sprinkle. A drop fell on Chris's nose.

"Uh oh," said Chris as he looked up. Dark clouds were just over head.

"Aviva is going to kill us," Martin said following Chris's gaze.

"We should head back now before it starts to pore," Chris said looking at his brother.

Martin looked at Chris and nodded. The two started making there way in the direction they came from. The rain started soft and slow ,but soon became heavy and hard.

"Kratt bros where are you?" Aviva said over Chris's creature pod.

"We're on our way back we just got caught in the storm. It's hard to see with all this rain ,and it's pretty cold," Chris said back trying to shield the creature pod.

"Alright be quick beca-," Aviva started to say before she was cut off.

"Oh no, come on," Chris said tapping the screen only for it to show it was dead.

"Come on Martin we have to keep going," Chris said looking at Martin.

Martin nodded while shielding his face. The two continued to walk. 

~Small Time Skip~

The rain was coming down so hard and fast that the Bros couldn't hardly see. 

"Martin, I hate to say it but, I think we might be lost..." Chris said stopping and looking at his brother.


You had gotten caught in in the storm. You had been on your way to check on the pack when it first started. Know though you were heading back to your cabin. You were trying to be fast ,but you kept stumbling. 

At one point while you were walking you stumbled and tripped. Luckily you caught yourself only getting you hands muddy. You looked down at the plants your hands had also touched.

"Itch weed," You mumbled.

"Chris did you hear that?"


Hey, everyone! I'm very sorry it has taken so long to post. I've been busy and I had been having mental health problems. But I realized while writing this chapter I didn't give Y/N clothes yet ,so I wanted to run my idea by you all! I was thinking a tank top with a cloak. But I don't know what kind pants so any ideas are welcome!

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