chapter 2

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its Monday morning

I truly cannot be fucked for whatever shit today is going to throw at me.


who knew that a few hours of sleep would merely manage to stop your restless brain for just abit.....

but as soon as you wake up it is back.


"fuckkk, grange-"

*end of flashback*


beyond confused right now,

but you know what, I am a Malfoy. I don't care about anything, nothing is of any importance, it is something that happened yesterday and it is now today.

but shit, why did I do it?

I made my way down to the hall later than everyone else seeing as I decided to have an extra quarter of an hour to lie in my bed and procrastinate....

did it do me any good

absolutely fucking not. but we move.

everyone was already sat as I walked through the great hall doors getting hit by the addicting scent of coffee and toast.

ugh I need it now

head down and hands in my pockets I made my way to the Slytherin table and sat next to Blaise

I never really tended to eat much at breakfast anyway, but today I was not feeling it, a black coffee would do me perfectly well.

"not hungry mate" theo said nudging me from the other side and signalling at the empty plate in front of me.

"no mate, I can see you are though nott" I said doing the same to his plate that was piled up with an odd variety of foods, I mean what more could you expect from theo.

he rolled his eyes and pointed at his plate saying

"a man needs his fuel" whilst letting off a large grin.

I smirked and toasted my coffee up to him as I took a large sip

ughh I needed this.

these days my main fuel is coffee, cigarettes, and casual sex.

I mean for a man there isn't much of a better way to live.

but I want more meaning to life, more of a reason for me to be here, a final point that I will work towards reaching.

however i tend to spend my nights in bed with a book in one hand, cigarette in the other and a mug of coffee on the side, so not doing myself any favours.

as I sat there ignoring the girls gossiping on about something I heard a certain name catch my attention.

"yeah I heard that hermione and harry got caught in the room of requirement by ron, wasn't too happy to say the least." Millicent whispered to the girls as they looked back in shock.

I tried to listen in without being to obvious when pansy noticed my sudden interest and butted in.

"interested draco?" she said sarcastically whilst giving me a weird grin look, creeped me out if I'm honest.

I pretended like I didn't hear her and just gave her a side eye.

after a while everyone began to stand up and leave in groups until the hall was basically empty, as we got up I couldn't help but just look over to the Gryffindor table.

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