Chapter 4

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This morning I got woken up at 3 by the wonderful racket which includes crabbe sleep talking, goyle snoring and blaise creeping in from the girls dorm after what wasn't a 'quick shag' but a whole ass sleepover.

But anyway, aside from my mates sex life.

If I wake up early there is one place that I go

Take a guess....

Correct, the astronomy tower.

Why do you go there you may ask??

Well it's so I can picture my death before I actually commit to it,

It's a 70:30 chance that I will pitch myself off the tower before the end of this year.

Yup very likely.

But I'm fine with that you know,

It's all good.


Making my way up the spiral stair case I am hit with the fresh scent of air and fir trees.

I close my eyes and take it in,
Cherishing every moment of tranquility that I experience whilst here.

As I get to the top I see a silhouette of a person,


Crazy hair



But my body carried me forward anyway and plants me right next to her.

She didn't flinch or look up.

We both just stood there leaning against the bars staring off into the distance gazing at the beautiful clear sky filled with stars.

Seeing as it's coming up to November it's darker for longer, and cooler.

I don't like the hot weather, my mum always says that the Malfoy family isn't built for the sun due to our extremely pail skin.

But for me,

It's because of my mark.

It burns,


I don't cope with it that well.

I will often find myself waking up in the middle of the night and going down to the Great Lake to cool off or up here.

It's my only type of comfort.

No one but me and the dark lords army know about it, it's definateley my biggest secret. But it isn't really the sort of light cheery one you would share with your friends whilst playing truth or dare with vertiserum.

I got it at the end of the summer, just before school started.

The worst day of my life.

I never wanted to be this.

I never wanted to be bad.

I never wanted to be permanently stamped as a criminal.


But I guess when your born into a death eater pure blood family,

What did I expect?

A happy life with a wife and kids in a little cottage in muggle France.

No of-course fucking not.

"What are you thinking about" her soft voice spoke

"Not much" I replied bluntly trying to avoid conversation.

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