Part 7

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Amy was 7 and a half months pregnant when her waters broke, she had been rushed into hospital for an emergency delivery and the baby was now being looked after in an intensive care unit due to her being so premature.

Rory was stood next to where their daughter was being kept in an incubator, a tube sticking out of her mouth to help with her breathing.

"How is she?" Rory turned around to find Amy behind him.

"Amy you should be resting"

"Rory, I have tried and tried, but I can't rest, not while she's in here, I want to hold her so badly, I feel so helpless not being able to help her".

"Shes going to be getting some of your breast milk fed to her every few hours, that's going to help her a lot".

"But it won't be me doing it, it'll be the tubes".

"Amy, please try and get some sleep, you're exhausted". He kissed her forehead, " I'll meet you back in your room in a couple of minutes".

She sighed and nodded before going back to her room. He watched her leave before turning back to their daughter, putting his hand through one of the holes in the side of the incubator, gently stroking his daughters head. "Hey little one, you're going to be okay, you, me and your mummy are going to be one happy family, I have faith in you".

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