Part 1

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Amy and Rory had been married for a year and a half now and Amy had been pregnant for a couple of months. She was just about to go out shopping when her phone started ringing. Looking at the caller ID she saw that it was Leadworth hospital, slightly confused, she answered the phone.


"Hi, Amy, it's Chris, I was just wondering why Rory never came to work today"

"What are you talking about, he's there isn't he? I mean he left this morning for work"

"I'm sorry Amy but he never showed up, listen, if he turns up I'll let you know"

"Okay thanks" She hung up and immediately called Rory's number, only to get his answer phone. "Hey Rory it's me, when you get this message can you give me a call please"

A few hours later she still hadn't heard from Rory, no one had, and she was starting to panic. Her parents and Rory's parents had come over to try and keep her calm. Amy's mum was sat next to her holding her hand.

"What if he's hurt mum, or worse" she looked at her with tears in her eyes, shaking slightly.

"Amy you can't think like that, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation"

"What? How can you say that? My husband is missing, he hasn't contacted anyone in hours, of course there's not a reasonable explanation" she stood up and went to the door. "I'm going to look for him".

"Amy its pitch black outside, you'll hurt yourself, please don't get too stressed out, think about your baby".

Amy turned around and looked at everyone, "I just want my husband back". She opened the door and left.

Rory goes missingWhere stories live. Discover now