"No, not really..." She sighed. "I'm mostly glad they won't be training in the facilities. I'm sure they'll train hard, but at least they won't get hurt. And as for the match itself..." She gave a single shoulder shrug. "Whatever happens, happens."

"I see." He seemed to want to say more, but stood up instead. "Use this time to rest, Kimiko. Come join me on the day of the match, and after that, we'll go home."


As long as they'll be safe, she's fine. And as for the match...

A smile escaped her lips.

'Things will work out somehow', right, Tenma?


Before heading up to meet the man, she went to pack all of her belongings. There wasn't much, so she only had to bring one bag. After changing, she headed for the stadium,


And was stopped by Hakuryuu.

She laughed slightly. "This feels like deja vu, but hello to you too, white dragon."

It was a title he earned for himself a long time ago, one that she had taken a liking to using as a nickname for the boy. Usually, it would be met with a proud smirk, but this time, his serious expression greeted her.

"The day has come. Today, we, of Team Zero, will destroy Raimon and the revolution they hope to bring." His eyes narrowed. "And today's the day I'll show Tsurugi just how weak he's become."

She returned the gaze. "Be careful, Hakuryuu. Raimon's not one you should underestimate. They may have been completely powerless against you last time, but they grow stronger with every loss."

"Three days can't possibly be enough time to grow past us, who had been at this from the very beginning."

There's no getting through him. She sighed before turning to the other boy stalking in the shadows behind him. "And what about you, Shuu?"

They've crossed paths a few more times since her first day, but not a single word of that night was ever mentioned. It became exactly as he said. Like nothing ever happened.

But the smile he always had was no longer present. His expression was mirroring Hakuryuu's. "Unless you're strong, you're worth nothing. This match will prove which one of us that is... And it won't be us."

"...I see. Then, I'll be looking forward to seeing Zero in action."

With a bow, she left.


The first half was a total loss, but Raimon managed to regain a point with the help of Tenma's new keshin, Majin Pegasus Arc.

That was when she spotted her superior pull out his phone. "Isn't it about time you got started? ...I've had enough entertainment from this show."

She frowned when Zero brought out five of their keshins before the whistle even blew while Raimon dove into the fray with three of their own. But it eased when the defense moved up to take two of their opponents out of commission, letting it be a three-on-three battle.

She couldn't suppress the smile she had when Kensei Lancelot won the clash against Seijuu Shining Dragon.

Raimon took the ball and, using a purple haired boy's Extend Zone as a feint, a ponytailed one's keshin, Sengoku Bushin Musashi's hissatsu shoot scored.

"What do you think of this match so far?" Her superior suddenly asked.

"It's interesting, I guess." Her frown returned when she spotted Zero changing six of their players with adults. "But it's starting to look ridiculous."

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