Maisie was silent for a moment, and I stopped again. Did she believe me? "Maisie, please stop hiding from me," I pleaded. 

At that moment, the dead guard's radio, which was lying a few feet away from Maisie, crackled and a voice spoke. I snapped my head in the radio's direction and growled instinctively. "Run!" Owen yelled, and the group got up from the floor and ran towards a spiral staircase. 

"Maisie, wait!" I yelled, before making a running leap and jumping on the floor above them. The group froze on the stairs when they saw me peering down at them.

For a few moments, the three stared at me, and I stared back. I didn't dare move because I didn't want to frighten them even more. Owen, who was highest up the stairs, spoke. 

"Okay, start backing slowly down the stairs. Slowly!" Owen whispered as Claire almost slipped. I prepared to jump again, and when Maisie, who was lowest, stepped down onto the ground, I jumped down, landing with a thud before turning to face her. She whirled toward me, shaking with fear. I felt guilty. I didn't want to scare her, but I couldn't help my appearance. 

Maisie was within my arm's reach now, but I didn't move. I didn't want to scare her even more. Just when I was about to say something, Owen started whispering again. "Maisie, when I say so, run. I'll come get you." 

Maisie made a tiny nod, never taking her gaze off of me. Owen then whistled sharply. My eardrums hurt at the sound, and I turned my gaze to Owen, giving him the death glare. "Now!" Owen yelled.

Maisie bolted out of the gallery and ran to a set of fancy stairs that ran along the wall. Realizing my mistake, I charged after her. "Maisie, stop, please!" I yelled, sliding into the wall and creating an Indoraptor-shaped dent as Maisie ran up the stairs, taking two at a time. I took one leap and cleared half the steps, just missing landing on her. Maisie screamed in terror, and I winced at the sound. 

Maisie reached the top of the stairs and darted though a narrow doorway, which I got stuck in. I called out to her again, but she didn't slow down. She turned a corner in front of me and vanished from my sight. I'm not losing you again! I thought, and with one big push, I broke through and slid around the corner. Maisie had nearly reached the little elevator at the end of the corridor. I started charging after her, but I knew I wouldn't catch her. So I tried something else.

Maisie climbed into the little elevator and was trying to close it, but it was stuck. Now's my chance! I skidded to a halt about 40 feet away. "Maisie, wait! Please, please wait," I pleaded. 

She stopped trying to close the door, and sat in the elevator, whimpering. I stood on all fours, watching her. She had paused to listen! I knew I wouldn't get another shot at this again. This was my opportunity to reconvince her that I was her friend. 

"Thank you," I gasped in relief. Maisie sniffled. "Maisie, why are you running from me? Did I scare you?"

After a pause, Maisie cautiously nodded. "I'm so sorry," I apologized, shaking my head. "I never wanted to scare you. I'm just...I'm scared, too."

Maisie's sniffles paused for a moment as she looked at me in puzzlement. "I'm scared that you'll leave me. I'm afraid that you'll get hurt, and if that happened, I'd never forgive myself." Was it working? I thought. I could smell the fear on her decrease slightly, so I was making progress.

"Maisie, even if you don't consider me your friend, I do. And I always will, I've told you before. Please stop running. I need you," I told her. "If it wasn't for you, I would have succumbed to Henry's wishes long ago, and I would have become his killing machine. I could have easily killed you and your friends back there, but I didn't, because I never kill without reason, and I never kill those who don't deserve it. But, most importantly, if I killed you...I would never forgive myself. Do you know why?"

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