chapter 1

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y/n's pov
It was a early Saturday morning and y/n could finally relax after a long week of school. Their mom immediately bursts through their door demanding for them to get ready and take a walk. They attempt to convince her that it's a Saturday and they should be able to take a break after all it's a Saturday.
"I'm tired of you laying around doing nothing all day it's time you do something so instead of you laying there I need you to wake up and go to take a walk and right now".
"But mom it's a Saturday ive been at school all week I should be able to relax for one day please that's all I ask" Y/n begs.
" Stop talking back and go get ready you don't see me laying around after working all week do you?" y/n's mom states aggressively.
As much as they wanted to argue back they just gave up they knew no matter what they said nothing would change besides them digger their self into a bigger hole, so they did as she said got up and plodded their way over to their dresser. They grabbed a white collared shirt with a green and white argyle sweater vest. They threw on their collared shirt then layered their vest on top they also hurled on ripped up jeans.
They slid on their shoes and immediately sprinted out the door.
"meow", "meow" a sound that seemed to be coming from the alley way between a coffee shop and a mini movie theater, They scurried into the alley not attempting to look suspicious.
Well making their way into the alley way they tripped on a cardboard box that tumbled from a huge pile located next to the entrance of the alley way. They toppled into the ground landing into a heap of cardboard boxes. As they arose from the mound of cardboard boxes a orange shaggy feline with a white stomach stares at me with its head tilted sideways.
"uhm hello?" the cat spoke collectedly. Y/n jumped back clutching her hand over her mouth.
"you-u can talk?" y/n stuttered
          "obviously, what do you think i'm doing right now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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