QUESTION #6: #7: #8: #9: #10

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A/N: Okay, soooooo You can message me if you have any questions~ I'll answer it~

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Question #6:

My girlfriend fell in love with my best friend. What should I do? 


TskTskTsk, that's why I hate introducing my lover to my friends. :/ because they could fall in love with them too.

Hmm, well it's either to make her/him choose, or you will choose. You can survive your friendship with your best friend, or your relationship with her/him. Yet, it's all in your hands how to handle a situation.

I suggest that you shouldn't play dumb this time, and I suggest that you should be the bigger person, a mature one and make a decision~

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Question #7:

My 'Ex' wants me back, and be in a relationship with me again. Should I accept him once again?


It depends if you still love that person, and you are single you can think it out and give them your answer (If ya still have feelings for that person.) And if you are ready to take the risk, do it. You have to see if he/she is for real! Not just taking you back for fun!

Buuuut! You have to see the dedication in his eyes, to see if he really wants you back. You can.. make him do what you want, if he refuses then he is bluffing. It's what they say: No Pain, No Gain~

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Question #8:

How do I make my lover fall for me all over again?


Hm.~ Well, you can do things you used to do with him. Wear clothes that will divert his attention to you, say I Love You to him always~ Confront him if there is a problem between your relationship with him.

Surprise him with something, (In Real Life) If you are in a long distance relationship, do something special. If you are already on one roof, do things a house wife should do. Just do the things you know that will turn his attention to you, or even a little of attention~

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Question #9:

I am a bisexual, and I fell in love with both of my friends, one girl and one guy! What should I do to the both of them?


Hmm. Tough question since I don't know anything about being a bisexual, but I do know the confusion who you love most~

This is what I did when I was in your situation. I tested them both, like if we have the same taste on things (song, books, subject etc.) And I matched up with the boy, but the girl who loves me didn't gave up. She dressed up like a boy, (a tomboy). Cut her hair, bandaged her (you-know-what), her voice changed too. I appreciated that, however, I already chose the boy.

So, the greatest way to shake them off both is to beat the sense into them that you don't like them, or! Or! Or! You can choose only ONE! Talk to the person you chose, and the person you didn't choose, that you don't like them, (in a romantic way.)

And you only see them as friends. That's what you can do. It's either you hurt them both, or choose only one.

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Question #10:

How to know if I'm really choosing the right person?


Well, you have to really think this out. Whether you are really in love and you have no doubt about them. You must accept all of them, from the slightest thing they do, you have to learn to love them by who they are.

To know if they are the one: You can't just pick who to love, sometimes we wish for a good life, but God gives us a better one! It's the same in love, you wish for an average person, but he gives you better than what you wished.

You have to wait 'till the right person comes and steps into your life. You don't have to rush, Love doesn't considers age, (sex) gender, appearance, religion etc.. Just pray and trust in God, he will give you the person you deserve~ ^O^

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Yaaaaay~ :3 I'm finished with my part two of the questions! I hope this was helpful! ;3 Some answers are related, and are true~

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