QUESTIONS #1: #2: #3: #4: #5

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Question #1:

How do you get a move on, from a person who gave you so much to remember?


It's easy to say: "I can move on from you!" But, it's hard to take action, doesn't it?

On my opinion, it's not easy to get a move on from a person who gave you so much to remember. I've always experienced this kind of pain. Not being able to do anything about being sad and all, and just bawling our eyes out until we lose consciousness.

Grieving over your 'ex' is like grieving over a dead person, who will never come back. Sometimes we feel lonely, and just cling to other people for attention and stuffs. But I suggest that you stand up, and say to that person "I don't need you in my life! You are not my world anymore." And don't say that he/she is your world or else, they will take advantage of it.

When I was in that situation, I was also crying a lot! I was blaming myself, "What have I done wrong for you to do this to me? Have I been a pain in the ass? Did i do anything wrong? Am I not enough?" Yes, we do question ourselves a lot, when we experience pain, and sorrow.

Now to forget all your memories with person. It's not that easy to forget him/her, especially when you loved them too much! I loved my Boyfriend too much, that's why Inside me, I felt like I was dying when he left me, and my broken heart.

Don't you just wanna.. rip their face apart, and kill them? Haha, just kidding! It's true that you can't just forget, but as time passes by.. You can forget! Divert your attention to other people and things. Try new appearance, meet new people or even get out of town, it will sooth the pain you are feeling, and at least even for a second you can forget. You have your family and friends with you! It will make you forget about them, because you are not thinking about that person anymore.

We humans are capable to do anything that is POSSIBLE, and it is possible to forget them! So don't just cry there and mourn over them! Stand up and say: Someday, I'll get over you.

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Question #2:

What if my Boyfriend plans to break up with me?


Hmm. This is an easy one. If you are not sure, you should go and confront him/her, it's better to confirm it yourself, than believing rumours and all. And if it is.. (IF!) true, than you have to make wisest decision!

It's either, play dumb and let him/her say it, or break up with her/him with before it happens, and you will face pain itself. But! But! But! Just like I said, do not just believe rumours that are going around~ You have to hear, see, and feel by yourself~

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Question #3:

I have a crush on my bestfriend, what should I do? Should I tell him?


Classic love problems. This is the most basic stage of a relationship! You start as friends~ Friendship grows into a closer relationship, than you GET INTO the relationship with that person. In the end: You will be hurt.

But, it's a part of life. You have to take the risk of getting hurt, in exchange of eternal happiness, right? So, what if.. He/She likes you too, but you're too shy to say it, and admit that you like them.? You have to do it now, or else.. TskTskTsk! You will lose your once in a lifetime chance to be with that person!

I always take risk, and the result is always happy~ That's why, say it now. Who cares if he\she doesn't like you back and only sees you as a friend,? As long as they know that you love them it's alright. Do not be shy to express what you are feeling. (Of course, you can't express your feelings towards a stranger you don't know when you are mad or angry. ._.)

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Question #4:

I'm always dreaming about the person I hate the most, I hate him but why does he seems nice to me in my dreams? Does that mean I like him?


Hmm.. They say that 'The More You Hate, The More You Love.' And I do believe that saying, because my bestfriend ended up with the most hated person around campus. It was hilarious how he confessed to my BFF but, it was sweet.

Every person has a soft spot, whether he is a serial killer, (._.) Or a gangster. There is a reason behind all that, behind that personality they are showing comes a deep reason, and reasonable excuse why they are doing things like that and why they are like that.

Don't judge a book by it's cover, because that's a no no no no~ What if, he was just like that because he wants attention, what if she is clinging onto other people because she has no friends? Time heals anything, just give them time to adjust, with the people around them, and their environment.

Believe me. They can change into a better person, you never expected them to be! And maybe you do like him, for every single thing he does to you, you feel angry but deep inside you don't, I think you like-- no, I think You Love him~

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Question #5:

I love them both, but I don't know who to choose. What should I do?


The answer is, don't choose! (Well, that's my opinion!) If you are going to choose, choose wisely. How to choose? Choose the person who makes you smile a lot, the person who doesn't lie to you, and the person who was there and who will be there when you are sad or down.

Choose that kind person, well it's up to you who to choose. Choose the person who is responsible, and thinks about your future and considers your feelings.. Now, who are you going to choose? Choose wisely. Your fate depends on your decision, and your love Life too~ *winks*

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Thank you for reading my advices~
Hehehe, these question were asked by my teachers and others were from friends~

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