Ep. 3

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Y/n Pov-

???: Y/n Are you ok?

I was shocked to see Jungkook helping me but I asked him. why is he helping me after what he said?

Y/n: Yeah I'm ok. Why a-are you he-helping me?

Jk: What do you think? I believed and trusted Mia?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Jk: I trusted and believe you the most since you have been my friend for a very long time.

Y/n: then why d-did you let m-me be in this condition? (tearing up)

Jk: because I need to or else-

Y/n: or else what?

Jk: *sigh* You need to clean yourself look at you. Come on I'll help you.

I think he is concerned and stands by my side so I let him be.

-Time Skip at Y/n and Y/s's Home- (Sorry I have classes.)

A/n pov-

Y/n told everything that happened earlier to her stepmom and stepsister. Her mom got angry and guilty for also beating her in the past but y/n said it's ok and she'll just ignore them. As time passed by BTS and Mia except Jungkook was beating Y/n. She became colder and colder like ice that you can't even melt.

-Time skip at lunchtime-

Still A/n POV-

Y/n, Y/s, Lisa, and Bambam are eating peacefully until BTS and Mia showed up.

Mia: hi sl-

y/n: if you want a show I'll just go since this show would be boring to watch. *Annoyed tone*

Mia was angry so was BTS. All the students started laughing at her. jk was proud at Y/n. Bts got angry at how Y/n talked back to them. not in any seconds Tahyung already slap Y/n too hard that causing her lips to bleed at the corner of her lip. Y/n told something to them that made Taehyung shocked and sad.

Y/n: *scoff* Why did I even believe and trusted you guys huh!? Especially you Taehyugn I didn't even know why I have loved you. Did I love you for this shit!? Such a BULLSHIT but remember this especially you BTS I.WOULD.NEVER.EVER.FORGIVE YOU ALL. Let's go, guys *in a cold tone*

Y/n, Y/s, Lisa, and BamBam were about to go when jungkook grab your wrist and asked you a question.

Jk: Y/n can I come with you?

Y/n: Yes, sure kookie.

he was happy that time and left BTS and Mia being ashamed.

-Time skip the next day-

Y/n pov-

You are already inside the school until you saw Bts And Mia. Jungkook was there standing beside your locker with an angry face.

Mia: Uhm Y/n can we talk abo-


Y/n: Kookie please let her talk.

Jk: ok fine ( he said in annoyance and he left)

Hobi: Princess can we talk on the rooftop?

you were surprised yet happy thinking that they already changed. you accepted it and followed behind them. 

-End of Y/n pov-

JK pov-

I started to feel bad about what's going on but I went to the back of our classroom to talk with y/n's sister and her other friends.

jk: hey Uhm...I-

Y/s: Oh Jungkook why are you here?

Jk: just to talk about y/n Uhm...who ar-

Y/s: oh yeah I forgot...guys??

Lisa: Hi I'm Lisa Y/n and Y/s's friend

Bambam: hi I'm Bambam Y/n and y/s's friend.

Jk: oh ok thank you.

Lisa: So how is Y/n by the wa-

we heard a huge thud beside our classroom outside. It looks like someone commit suicide but I feel very bad. all students went outside to check it and to our surprise it's ????

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When they replaced you BTS ffHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin