She doesn't look over her shoulder at me as she walks, sounding withdrawn. "I was fooled. Noah was never my mate."

"He used magic?" My mind reels as I try to make sense of that.

"It's hard to explain," she says with a shrug, suggesting she may not know much herself about Noah's diabolical plan. "Just know I'm going to help you get out of here. If we go to a certain person, they will be able to contract Cian, and as me being here causes a black spot for Death, we may be able to use that chance to get you out."

Suddenly my heart is racing, and I'm rushing to keep up with Abella. I want out of here now. The sooner I am, the quicker I can get my revenge on Stace, which is something I'm craving right now. But more importantly, I can see Cian again. It feels wrong being split from him, even if it hasn't been that long.

"What about you?" I ask softly.

"I can't leave," she says dismissively, waving her arm about as if she isn't bothered by that. I can hear in her tone that she most definitely is. "I don't belong to the Immortal Realm. I'm already pushing the limits by dying in my home Realm and having my soul, contained by magic, brought here."

"It's okay, we will find you help-"

Abella pauses, eyes blazing as she stares me down hopelessly. "Amolet. I leave, and I cease to exist."

Oh...There must not be some magical afterlife in her Realm, meaning that the moment she leaves her, she is dead forever. Suddenly it makes sense. Why would she want to leave here, even if everything seems so monotonous and frankly lonely.

"Why would you do this for me?" I ask gentle. Part of me expected that if I ever did meet her, she wouldn't like me, considering I'm the new mate to her old one, however she seems to have her mind on only one thing.

Getting me out of here.

"I heard you were here, and I knew I had to get you out," she says with a shrug. "After everything, I owe Cian a lot."

Squaring my shoulders back, I look at her earnestly. "I'm going to kill Stace, when I'm out."

"Good luck. He has few weaknesses," Abella notes, before she digs into her pocket and turns to the closest door to a particularly tall building. "We should be safe here for tonight. It will take some time to cross the factions to where we need to go, so we set out in the morning."

I follow her into the building, the place far better quality than what I was given to reside in. A few people stand around the foyer, not bothering to raise their gaze to us as we walk. They all look around our age, my heart hurting just looking at them. I can't help but wonder how they died, but I can't asked questions, Abella grabbing my wrist to drag me up the stairs.

"So you will be stuck here?" I ask. I hate the thought of leaving her here. There has to be another way to get her out.

Abella unlocks another door, motioning for me to step in. "For now..."

The apartment is simple, almost bare aside from some neat furnishings. It's clear that Abella may be stuck here, but she doesn't end on being here forever. This place isn't permanent, giving me trace amounts of hope.

Then it hits me.

"Wait." I pause, frozen in place as realisation trickles through me, accompanied by dread. "I killed Noah."

Abella whirls around, eyes wide, realising the exact same thing I am.


"Mortal Realm."

If Noah is dead, he is going to be here. If he is here, that means he has access to us. Without realising it, I brought Abella's murderer here, where he can torment her more. Suddenly, I want to be sick. Abella has done nothing but help me, and now I've turned everything against her.

"He will be here," she whispers, dumping her keys on the counter. She doesn't seem terrified, although it's clear this is information that has hindered her plans. "We need to keep low."

"I can't leave you here when the man who killed you can now torment you," I exclaim. This is all my fault, I can't just leave now...

"I'll manage myself, don't worry," she assures me, motioning to the couch tucked against the wall. "You should get some rest."

For a moment, I almost consider if, before a loud knock rattles at the door, making both Abella and I jump. Abella doesn't look as though she is expecting any kind of guests, and for a terrifying moment, I'm convinced Kace as traced us back to here.

"Come on, Abella, open up," a familiar voice sings, knocking again. "It's your loving mate."

Abella and I exchange horrified glances. It's Noah.


His Sin is now completed on Radish!!

Hale now has his own story available now on Radish! The Immortal Prince

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Hale now has his own story available now on Radish! The Immortal Prince.


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I hope you guys enjoyed!!

Instagram: Sophie_Midika

Snapchat: Midikacrane

~Midika 💜🐼

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