Little Faith / Van

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You were out with all your mates, this club you despised but that your friends still loved despite you all having grown out of it since uni. You didn't like it there for a multitude of reasons, the sticky floors you were certain carried more diseases than the inside of a rats colon, the bar where drinks got spiked every couple of minutes, the toilets which were always sick stained, and the smoking area which was always full of absolute roasters.

Sure when you were a student it had been decent, cheap drinks, indie rock and roll anthems, and more importantly, all your mates and everyone from uni all crammed into the same club on a Thursday night. You'd had some good times there once but now the place felt claustrophobic. Like every time you stepped inside and headed down the stairs towards the dance floor, you were stepping back in time. Losing the last two years of your life and returning to your student days.

The only consolation tonight was that you'd brought Van with you. The two of you had been dating for a little while but he was yet to meet your friends from uni because you'd moved up north after you'd graduated and you didn't get back down to London all that often.

This weekend though you and Van had decided to take a trip down south, have a little city break. When you'd told your friends you'd come down they'd insisted on a big old reunion at the social, and so now here you were.

In the midst of a big night out at the social, wishing you'd not bothered telling them you were coming down at all.

The music was loud, naturally, you were in a club after all and it was the least you could expect but the playlist had changed since you'd been here last, and you didn't recognise these gen z indie kids playing out over the speakers.

You lingered beside Van at the bar, looking down into your glass with a bored and unimpressed expression on your face. You tapped your fingers along to the music but you weren't really feeling it and he could tell.

"You want shots?" he raised his hand to your ear and shouted over the music, you just smiled and nodded.

You were going to need to get obliterated if you were going to enjoy this night.

Your friends had squealed when you'd met them at the bar, they'd all pulled you in for a group hug, squeezed you half to death. They'd fussed and fawned over Van and told you a dozen times that you looked so good together, and you'd all done preliminary shots together, but after awhile the group had done as it almost always did and broken up into much smaller groups.

You and Van standing alone together at the bar the smallest of groups.

"Tequilla for the underwhelmed little miss in the little black dress," Van smirked offering you the shot, the two of you doing a little toast before necking the alcohol back, ohysicslly cringing and shaking your heads at the burn.

You stood up and raised your fingers to your mouth to indicate that you needed a cigarette, hoping that he would follow you up onto the rooftop smoking area where you would be able to get a little peace for awhile. Your friends would be on the verge of complete piss head chaos by now and they probably wouldn't notice your absence on the dance floor.

Van grabbed your hand and let you lead him outside, pulling you in for a drunken hug as you burst through the doors out onto the roof top.

"Christ alighty why do a let you put me through this shite?" he chuckled into your hair as he landed a kiss to your forehead before stepping back, waiting impatiently on you to take two cigs from your bra.

"Cause you love me," you grinned back, immediately realising what you'd said, hoping he would realise that you were only messing with him. Because those weren't words you had said to one another yet.

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