the start

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It was a normal day on the dreamsmp

Well it was our type of normal
If you look over here you'll see dream getting killed by a skeleton and screaming at it while George and sapnap laugh at him "you fucking suck" said sapnap in between laughter "I don't suck dude came out of nowhere" dream said "yep keep telling yourself that" said George as soon as he stopped laughing "uuuggh" is the sound you heard from dream as you can tell he was irritated with what happened. Sapnap soon stopped laughing when dream and George started flirting again it was something that he was used to, it was a routine for them dream and George start flirting slowly forgetting that he's is there with him not that he mind. He didn't like talking very much anyway but it did hurt slowly being forgotten by them but I know that it's still care about me.... "You know it's lonely me in the third wheel" he said out loud wanted some attention "good stay lonely" and George said as dreams laughed right after he said it "Georgie why are you so mean to me"the one and only sapnap said "ew don't call me that it's gross" George said "you let dream call you that"said sapnap "that's because I like him more than you" Georgie said sapnap let out a fake hurt gasp. Well at least they thought it was fake "Ha get fuck on bitch"dream said "oh fuck both of you" he said trying not to sound hurt
"Ew no" both George and dreams said at the same time and "you know I didn't mean it like that" sapnap said to their response "do we really" they said back sapnap sighed at them "come on sapnap you know we're joking we love you so much"dream said "I don't"George replied "oh fuck you" sapna said back to him George started laughing but soon stopped realizing he had to go "oh crap I got to go" he said "awl man" the simp said "bye guys" he said "bye" they said back George had soon log off right after leaving just sapnap and dream it was quiet for a while until a dream spoke "I think I'm going to finally do it" he said "do what" sapnap asked "I think I'm going to finally ask him out dumbass" dream replied "oh wait really"sapnap asked (God I regret typing this way 😭) "yeah I was thinking about doing it today or tomorrow" he said back "I can't wait for y'all to be a couple"sapnap said but deep down he knew he wasn't ready cuz if they got together that would mean he would fade into the background more than he already did but that wouldn't happen right? They were his best friends they wouldn't have forget about him..... Right? He got took out of his thoughts when dreams said that he doesn't know they're going to be together sapnap almost facepalm at that. It was so obvious that they liked each other everyone could tell "dude he totally likes you back I guarantee you he's going to say yes" sapnap said "okay I'll trust you sap-" dream was saying but soon was cut off by his phone ringing "its George what do I do, what do I do" dream said going into a panic "take the opportunity dumbass"  sapnap said back in panic "right I'll call you back and tell you how it went bye"he said before sapnap could even reply back he hung up "ok..." Sapnap says sitting back in his chair "I guess I'll watch TV while I wait".

2 hours later

Sapnap finally got a call from dream he picked it up and answered it "hey how did it go" he asked not prepared for his best friend to yes "HE SAID YES" he replied screaming subnet took the phone away for his ear a bit before putting it back and try his best to sound enthusiastic "omg I'm so happy for you!!" "I know right it's amazing I can't wait to tell everyone"dreams said practically smiling through the phone sapnap had chuckled at his friends behavior "well you should go to sleep you guys have a big day tomorrow" sapnap replied not knowing what else to say "you're right talk to you tomorrow" dream hung up again before sapnap could say anything he aside and put his phone on the table next to him looking up at the ceiling im happy that my best friend is happy why wouldn't I be I'm not selfish am I? sapnap thought he decided to get rid of all of his thoughts and try to go to sleep closing his eyes and letting darkness take over but what sapnap didn't know that this confession would lead to his loneliness.....

And done! I don't care if it doesn't make sense I don't care if I have any errors I'm tired it took 3 hours to do this just because I didn't know how to start it off and when I was trying to figure out how to start it off I realized that I left out a few things that needed to be mentioned then the way I chose to type it why would I do that it made me feel like I writing a book that had to be presented to a class full of sophisticated people😭 I'm so happy I'm done I hope you like the first chapter I will fix the errors later

Things I forgot to mention:
This story will contain some violence, blood, depressing thoughts, probably crackhead energy, cringe, bitchy friends, some people will be out of character, and this will be bl if everything goes right 🐱 that's all bye guys

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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it's sad being aloneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz