Your Abusive Mum

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A note from me quick about this imagine. So jj is your boyfriend, you have an abusive mum and your a pogue, now onto the imagine.

You hear your mum walk into your room holding a piece of paper.

"what is that" you say

"Your detention paper you have had another detention y/n you know what that means" your mum replys

"No mum please it wasn't even my fault" you say in a shakey scared voice

*your mum doesn't say anything she just walks over to you and slaps you and you fall back onto your desk causing everything on it to fall off your mum keeps on beating you and knocking things over and leaves you in cuts and bruises and your room in a mess*

"Well y/n try not to get another detention, I'll be back in a month you already know this I'm going on holiday so I can get away from you, if you get detention when I get back you'd wish you hadn't got that detention, so bye y/n" your mum says to you.

Your left in your room crying on your floor, you start to pick up some broken shards off glass from a cup that smashed, JJ is coming over because he knew your mum was out so you guys have planned for him to stay at your house for a while, you look at your stomach.

"crap" you say after seeing a bruise, so you go in your wardrobe and get one of JJ's hoodies and put it on and you go back to picking up glass.

Suddenly jj walks in and sees you on the floor picking up glass crying, he rushes over to you and holds you in his arms.

"Baby, are you okay, what has happened" jj says in a worried but calm tone of voice.

"my mum she hit me and" you cut yourself on a piece of glass that you have picked up.

"ouch why can't I just pick this piece of glass up why does everything hurt me" you say while your voice cracked.

"Baby leave it its okay we can clean the glass up later just come with me and let's get you cleaned up okay" jj has said so carmly it made you calm down a little.

JJ leads you into the bathroom and he picks you up and places you on the counter next to the sink, he then gets the alcohol rub and then walks over to you so jj is standing Inbetween your legs, you let jj clean your cuts

"ow that hurt" you say to jj

"sorry princess I'm almost done" jj replies to you

"did she hurt you anywhere else" jj says to you

"uhm no why would you think that" you say in a shakey voice

"listen baby I know when you lie to me can I" jj says that as he holds the bottom of the hoodie your wearing wanting to pull it up.

"yeah just please don't be mad" you reply to jjs question

"hey baby I won't be mad at you it's not your fault I just want to know if your okay" jj says tucking a hair behind your ear

JJ slowly lifts up the hoodie revealing a massive wound and jj looks at you really worried

"This is what she does to you" jj says quitley but loud enough for you to hear.

"yeah" you whisper back

JJ finishes cleaning up your wounds and lifts you up and brings you to your bed

"Thanks baby for looking after me" you say weakly

"it's okay I'm always here for you princess no matter what, you get some rest okay" he says while cuddling up to you and rubbing your back which makes you more tired

You fall asleep on JJ's chest so jj has one hand on your back and one hand on your ass making sure you are secured into him and making sure you feel safe in his arms soon after jj falls asleep aswell and you both fall asleep knowing your safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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