Time skip>>>
//At a restaurant//
"Oh you two are here", Jay greeted.
"Come sit with us, Y/N", as usual, Donghyun aka Big Naughty call me by my name, didn't even bother to call me Noona.
I went beside him to sit. "It's noona, kid", I said.
"Whatever... I'll call you Y/N", he said.This kid really likes to tease me a lot.
"This kid", I said and I was about to scold him. And, then "Karma", Sik K said sitting beside me and laughing at me. "That's all because you didn't call me oppa"
"But... ah...forget about it. Kid, I'm older than you. Call me noona,okay?", I said to Donghyun.
"I'm not a kid, okay?", Donghyun replied.
"You look like a kid to me", now both of us having that childish quarrel again. Until PH-1 aka Harry spoke.
"You two...You both are kids in our eyes", Harry said and continued, " you two are literally like siblings."
Jay: When I met Y/N for the first time, I was worried ablut her being awkward around us. But, now look at these two. It looks so good to see them getting close like this.

Then, while all of us are having a conversation, another two members came to the restaurant.
"Heyyyy", Hwimin greeted us. Gyujung is behind him. They take their seat and Hwimin started to talk a LOT.
Hwimin: Oh...Y/N. Do you enjoy drinking? If you do, maybe we all can go to club together.
Y/N: Actually I don't drink...at all
Hwimin: AT ALL!!!! *surprised* Then, how about clubs?
Y/N: I did go a few times because of my friends but not really a fan of it.
Hwimin: Then, you are also like Minsik. But that guy drinks, he just don't like to stay at club.
Gyujung: Then, you must be a homebody.
Y/N: Yes, I am.
Hwimin: Then, what do you do to have fun?
Y/N: idk...just lying on my couch and chilling at my house.
My reply got some of the laugh from the others.
SikK: Hwimin, not everyone is so active and all hype like you.
Gyujung: Then, how about dating? Do you have a boyfriend or something?

This time, Gyujung's question caught SikK's attention. He's curious about your answer and also mad a little bit at Gyujung for asking that. "Why is he ask Y/N that question. Is he interested in her or what?", Sik K thought. He gave a short glare to Gyujung and then looked back to you to hear your answer.

I really hate when everyone's attention is on me. Although it's no big deal for some people, it's such a nervous situation for an introvert like me.
"Urm... Actually, I don't have boyfriend", I said.

And, Sik K is so relieved to hear Y/N's answer and now smile a bit. He's already happy to hear she's a single.

Gyujung: Oh...
Hwimin: Do you have ex boyfriend?
Sik K: Why are you asking her the personal questions? Show some "Respect"?
Sik K scolded at Hwimin for asking some personal questions.
Hwimin: Oh...I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to be rube. Actually, Jay told us to produce a track for you. So, it would be nice if you want to write about something related love or past relationships. That's why I ask you. I'm sorry.
Y/N: It's fine. That's okay.
Sik K: And, he can be really nosy sometimes.
Hwimin: No, I'm not.
Sik K: You are.
Hwimin: Okay...a bit.
You laughed at them.
Jay: Oh I forgot to tell you about it. So, Groovyroom's gonna produce your new debut single.
Y/N: It's such an honor to work with you two.
Hwimin: Aww...you're so sweet. You don't have to....
Sik K looking at Hwimin like he's seeing a drama Queen.
Donghyun : Anyway, what's your answer?
Y/N: what answer?
Donghyun : about ex boyfriend. You don't have one, don't you?
Normally, I'm not ashamed of admitting I've never dated before but this kid is smirking at me waiting for my answer and like he's gonna teased me forever if I answer this.
But, I shouldn't lie, right?
Y/N: Yes.
Donghyun: Yes what? YOU HAVE NEVER DATED BEFORE!!!!
This kid is so loud and making that surprise face which makes me embarrassed but I'm trying stay unaffected by his actions. Now, he burst out laughing.
Donghyun: Everyone, Y/N is 22 and she has never dated before.
Y/N: so what?
I replied him already annoyed by his endless teasing.
Donghyun: I even dated some girls before and I'm only 18. *He laughs again*
I didn't say anything cuz I'm really bad at talking back to someone when they're teasing me. I'm just not good at it.
Then, I heard a chuckle from Minsik. He's also laughing because of what Donghyun said.
I just ignored all of them and started eating my samgyeopsal.
Then, a few seconds later, Minsik nudged my elbow.
"What? Are you mad?", he asked.
"No, I'm not. These Samgyeopsal are really delicious ", I replied and my eyes are still focusing on Samgyeopsal in front of me.
I can feel he's again smiling wide at me and a staring at me. Why is he always staring at me and smiling?
Then, the dinner is already finished and I get into Minsik's car.
He also went inside the car and then started his car to take me back to my home. But, then he stopped the car. So, I looked at him. He looked at me with a serious face.
I asked him, "What...? what happened?"
"So......, you never had a boyfriend before...???", he said and then grinned.
"Ah....not you too. Stop teasing me" I replied being half annoyed and half shy.
"Okay Okay, I'll stop. Cute", he said while starting to drive his car.
There he goes again calling me cute again. I thought to myself.

Another update
Hope you all enjoy reading this story.

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