Welcome to H1gher

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Past few weeks, no... Since past few months,
I was struggling... struggling to find myself and what I want to do. I did joined some short term programs at the entertainment agencies but now, no job. No one is hiring me. And, I was here siting alone at my home. I'm worried about my future. I used to think that after my graduation, I would be all fine, getting a job and living my life. But No. Life is hard. People always trying to compete each other to get a job.It's so hard to get a job and the competition is everywhere and I hate it. Cuz it makes people felt like nothing but lost when they don't get what they're supposed to have. It's hard for everywhere.
I'm always stressed out about this.

Y/N is lost in her thoughts staring at TV. But, she have something that she's passionate about. It's music. She posted lots of cover and songs on her YouTube channel. But, she never thought that she can choose that path because she thought she's not good enough. She's never confident about her vocals She thought she's normal but she loves making music.
She's at home always stressing about her future.

Then, she scrolled down her feeds from IG until someone DM her. And, she saw that the sender IG name is jparkitrighthere. Wait what. No way. It must be a fake acc. Then, she clicked the profile and saw the blue mark. Her hands got cold and tremble. There's no way that the real Jay Park is sending me message. Is his IG acc got hacked?
She read the message.

Hi. Is that Y/N? I know it's so sudden.
But I'm reaching out to you to talk about
your music.

("My music", Y/N thought.)
Hi. This is Y/N. And, about my music???

Yes, we are kinda interested with the music
that you make. And, also found you on YouTube.
If it's possible, we would like to scout you at our agency.

(No way!!!! You screamed and still shaking. Then replied to him)
I'm really sorry but Is this for real?

Yes, we've been trying to contact you
and searching for your IG acc.
Would you like to meet up to discuss more about this tomorrow?

Thank you. I'll come and meet you to discuss.

Then, he sent the address for you to come tomorrow.
You still can't believe what just happened. It's happening for real. You read the message again and again and also try to wake up cuz it felt like a dream. But, it's not. It's real. Then, you decided to do your best to catch this opportunity to achieve your dream.
But, wait. You try to read the message again.

"I replied too short. What if he think I'm rude." Then, I become paranoid again. I can't wait for tomorrow to come. But, wait! Should I tell my friends about this?Nah... It's not even sure yet. I'll tell them when it's sure and decided. Wait...how about Sik K? Umm did he know this? Nah... It would be so awkward to text him. And, it's been only a frew days since we become friend. I'll tell all of them when it's sure and I got a chance to sign the cntract.
Then, I read the messages again & again cuz I can't believe it's happening for real.

Next day >>>
I went to the address that Jay Park sent to me. Why do I still think a scam and also think that Jay Park's acc might get hacked. I brushed all of my thoughts aside and went to the address and saw the building. It's H1gher Music. Wait what? So, am I gonna signed under H1gher Music. No Way. Stop. Y/N...Don't expect too much. Stay calm. I let out a sign to throw away my anxiety. And, then I don't know how to get into the building. So, I sent a DM to Jay Park

Hi. I've already arrived in front of the building.

Okay I will come downstair.

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