Hunting Palismen take 2 (Lilith edition)

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"Find me more palismen" seemed to be a simple enough order. At least for the Golden Guard; teen prodigy and head of the Emperor's Coven. The only problem was: how, exactly? The captains have been searching tirelessly for any clue as to where they could find unused palistrom wood or abandoned palismen for over a month, but they've uncovered nothing. Well, not nothing. He found out that there was a palisman pairing day at Hexside and had what he needed but Kikimora and that human just had to ruin it. Whatever. He was finally being sent on missions again thanks to getting the portal key and earning back Belos's trust. He wasn't messing up again.


Lilith flew above the reddish forest on her staff, scanning the ground below. It should be right under her by now. Her mother mentioned discovering an interesting ruin when she was on a quest for "Master Wartlop" (who turned out to be three tiny scammers in a wizard cloak), with structures dating back to the savage ages. Since Gwendolyn didn't exactly have too much at home that let her tap into her knowledge as a scholar, Lilith had been growing bored. Back in the coven her work constantly tested her intelligence and skills, bringing a thrill she didn't know she'd miss. Not that she wanted to go back. Anything was better than that constant fear and struggle for power.

She shook herself out of her thoughts and noticed a few ragged buildings nestled in the base of a cliff, she almost flew over it since it was so well hidden by the rocks and leaves.

Lilith pointed her raven palisman downwards and landed just in the trees nearby, hopping off her staff and looking around. Her mother got snared by a trap when she discovered the place, so she watched her step as she approached the ruins.

She pushed through the last few branches and before her was a rather grim sight. The walls, probably once a beautiful display, were scorched and crumbled, intricate but now faded patterns scattered across the stone. Lilith walked around the first structure until she was in the center of the three buildings and just inside a ring of teal-grey rocks. She kneeled down to look closer and noticed that there were faint carvings on them but were so worn and cracked that she couldn't really tell what they were. She used her hand to brush away some vines. Seemed circular, though.

Her ears twitched as she heard a faint warping sound coming from the trees. Wait a second... she recognized that noise. The next moment there were footsteps crunching through the leaf litter and Lilith jumped to her feet and hid behind the nearest wall. She listened they grew closer then peeked out to see none other than the Golden Guard.

He was looking at the disturbed vines and leaves, probably figuring out that there must've been someone nearby. Of course the emperor's golden boy was still after her. Should've checked if I was being followed, she thought to herself. She's been getting sloppy since she left the coven. No matter. If he wants me, he'll get me.


Hunter treaded carefully, watching where he stepped after the last ruin where he activated a trap and nearly fell into a pit of toxic land eels. As he got near the middle of the area it was hard to not try to take in every detail of the place. But, he had a job to do and couldn't get distracted again.

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