chapter 1: Meeting the Heelshire Family

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I watched as the scenery pushed past us within the taxi, I was trying to get my mind off things by sketching, the best I could, whatever that came to mind. I was in need for a job and my friend Alice recommended that I'd be a nanny for the Heelshires, I was hesitant at first thinking that I would be a terrible nanny, but Alice insisted saying '"You'd be a great nanny N/n, your great with kids, nurturing by nature, you even have this air of kindness that is comforting and basically just a overall angel."' So I applied for the job and was accepted.

Honestly just thinking about what she said makes me embarrassed since I can never get use to receiving complements. I return my focus onto my sketchbook, seeing that there has scatters of different random people and characters from shows I've watched. 'I hope I make a good first impression to the Heelshires. They seemed like formal yet kind people on the phone.'

I looked up at the taxi driver before focusing my gaze outside the window once again, we were on the outskirts of town so there was mostly forest to be seen. I decided to lean my arm on the window for a more comfortable position after putting my sketchbook and other supplies away, there was probably not even a hour left before we came to the estate.

 'It wouldn't hurt to sleep for a little bit would it?' I lean more into the window, slowly drifting off to sleep.

*40 minutes later*

"Miss, we're here." I slowly opened my eyes to adjust to the light, both the driver and I hoped out of the taxi.

"Thank you for the drive, how much do I have to pay you sir?" I start reaching for my purse to proper to pay him.

"Oh, that won't be necessary Miss, the Heelshires have already payed for all accommodations." The man waves his hands in defense.

"Oh, well still thank you anyways, the drive was very pleasant." I slightly bow at the man as he does the same. "No worries Miss. By the way, the Heelshires had to step out for a moment. They beg you pardon and ask that you wait in the parlour."

I nod my head to show that I was listening, "Thank you for informing me sir, I will go there straight away. Have a good afternoon." I pick up my luggage ready to walk towards the parlour. "You too Miss." The man nods his head before proceeding to get into the taxi and drive off. I, on the other hand, started walking to my awaited destination.

Once I got there, I saw a small table and chairs so I decided to take a seat in one of them to help with my wait.

A few minutes go by before an elderly lady came out of the door to greet me, "You must be Y/n, it's so nice to finally meet you." She holds out her hand to shake it, I got up from the seat to go and connected my hand with hers.

"Likewise, Mrs Heelshire. I must say you estate is quite beautiful, I would love to sketch it sometime." I give her a sweet and caring smile after letting go of her hand.

"Why thank you Miss L/n, I assume you're an artist then?" Mrs Heelshires moves aside so I could walk in to the estate, I give her a appreciative nod and smile as I walk by.

"Yes, I mostly do art as a hobby but am looking to have it as a future career pathway." Mrs Heelshire nods her head in initiative. "That sounds lovey, by the way, Brahms is very excited to meet you, Miss L/n, he's never met a (nationality) before."

"I'm looking forward to meeting him as well." We start walking towards, where I presume, where Brahms is to meet him.

"Now, let's hurry up. We can't keep them waiting any longer." We eventually came into a large room.

A man seemed to be talking to what I would believe is Brahms sitting a chair, telling him who I am and that he should behave well before turning around and standing in front of the chair, "Daddy? Miss L/n, allow me to introduce Mr Heelshire." Mrs Heelshire informs while looking at Mr Heelshire.

"Miss L/n." We both give a slight bow of recognition, I give a kind smile when we stand straight again. "And this....," Mr Heelshire moves to show a porcelain doll on a chair, "... is our son, Brahms." I immediately take in the Heelshires expressions of slight mourning or sadness and stop myself from doing anything rude.

I give a sweet and considerate smile, walking over to Brahms and kneeling down before him. I then take his hand to shake it, "it's a pleasure to meet you Brahms. I hope that you and I can be great friends," I look at the dolls face and smile, 'when you actually get a closer look at him, he looks quite cute.' I got back up again, moving away to give some comfortable space so I could look at both Heelshires again, they gave me appreciative expressions.

Just then a man walked into the room, he looked at me then went over to Brahms, "I see you've met Brahms. How are you doing Brahms? Now, you take it easy on your nanny, she's probably travelled a long way just to meet you." He stood back up after talking to Brahms and directed his attention towards the Heelshires.

"I'll be off then and the bills are on the table. it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss L/n. I hope to see you on my next delivery." We shake hand and I nod in agreement.

"Thank you Malcolm." Mrs Heelshire said as we let go of our hands. 

"Of course." Malcolm replied before leaving.

"Daddy, will you please take Miss L/n's things to her room?" Mrs Heelshire asks her husband, he nods his head and goes to grab my luggage that I had with me. Mrs Heelshire goes to pick up Brahms as Mr Heelshire leaves the room, "Miss L/n, we might as well get started, I have a lot to show you. You'll be all alone out here, so do you think you can manage?" We start walking towards another area of the house.

"Yes ma'am, there won't be a problem." I reassured her, she hummed with a nod as we continued going up to the third floor.

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