Palm Rock

55 7 3

Originally created on March 19, 2015

I found a rock, and I thought it was special. I guess that that's the backstory *shrug*.

How many lives has this rock lived?

When did it begin?

When will it end?

Was it once a part of a huge cliffside, the sea bashing upon it in attempt to carve deeply into its existence?

Or perhaps it was once a diamond, beautiful to only itself, pure and free of human greed.

Maybe it was smoldering, boiling magma, transformed by pressure and exposure to air.

In the lifetime of a man, it could have been a smooth river pebble, removed of it’s rough edges by cold, soothing currents.

And now, it sits in the palm of my hand, curved gray with jagged white lines running through it like veins.

I am part of its ever-lasting story.

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