Midoriya turned his head towards the aggressive yelling and saw Y/N with a scowl as she pushed a man off her. His eyes widened and a smile of relief appeared on his face.

"Y/N!" He yelled.

Y/N turned her head at him and smiled in embarrassment. She turned her head back at the man and put her fist down as well as let go of his collar. The man fell to the ground and ran away as she walked to Midoriya. 

"Y/N! You're okay!" He yelled again. 

This time it was louder. It caught the police's attention causing them to turn their heads towards them. Y/N's eyes widened and she shushed Midoriya. Midoriya smiled in nervousness and walked over to her. Y/N covered her face as she walked to him. The police officer shrugged and turned away as he looked around.

"Be on the look for an escaped villain. Female. Age 16. Quirk: Feline. Has cat-like features. Name Y/N," The police officer's com said. 

The police officer held the device to his face and said, "I have a suspect in my vicinity," 

The police officer put the device back on his uniform and began approaching Y/N as she walked with the four boys. He tapped her shoulder and Y/N stopped walking while the other four continued. She turned around and saw the officer showing her his badge. 

"Y/N. You are under arrest," He said as he pulled out handcuffs.

Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes as she let the officer arrest her. She looked up at the four walking away and pursed her lips together. The officer led her to the police car. He put his hand on her head and gently pushed her head in as she sat down. He closed the door and walked to the driver's side. Y/N looked out the window and saw Midoriya look around as he searched for Y/N. He tapped their shoulders and they all began looking around until Kirishima pointed at the car window. Midoriya looked over at the window and saw Y/N looking at him with a reassuring smile then turned into a saddened expression once she turned her head away from them. The engine started and began to drive off, leaving them behind.


"The Nomu we captured is just as unresponsive as the last ones. They're basically mindless animals. We haven't gotten any new info from them. The warehouse they were kept in was completely destroyed. We'll continue our investigation, of course, but we don't know how much data we can collect," One of the investigators presented to the Metropolitan Police Department.

"An we haven't gotten any worthwhile information from the bar at all?" The police chief asked.

"We're still looking into that, sir. All we have right now is one of the victims that were held there. She's too shaken up to speak as of right now," The investigator added.

"What about the other? There was too. Wasn't there? A UA student, correct? What about the villain one of our patrolling officers had arrested. What about her?" He asked again.

"Yes, the only information we had gotten out of the villain was that Rin, the UA student had been killed by Shigaraki," The investigator said.

"Is that all?" He asked.

"Yes. We haven't gotten anything out of the villain. She refuses to speak," The investigator said.

The police chief groaned as he put his head in his hands.

"We apprehended all the Nomu, sure, but we let most of the perpetrators, including Shigaraki, slip through our fingers. Y/N, the villain, we have in custody apparently cooperated and gave our officer no trouble. All most as if she wanted to get caught. Honestly, even though we captured their boss, I'd have to say this whole thing was a draw," Another investigator spoke from the table.

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