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1. wine, gold, and tapestries; the tears of virgin maidens woven into the fabric of reality draped across smouldering walls and crumbling pillars. the very stone creaks. it is the hushed whispers behind curtains, spirits who do not want to leave just yet.

2. it is the future seen through gaps between fingers; eyes that sting at the sight of angels who curtsy and kiss the hands of the devout, their haloes wrought of bronze and other universes, their lips marble hard. it is the priestesses' laughter, young and loud as they are seduced by saints bearing ornaments of lead.

3. lady moonlight joins the dance of demons, and she casts her shadows about herself, crisscrossing through empty halls and dripping down the staircase.

4. it is the out-of-tune to which death waltzes drunkenly down the hall in his long robes; the children with veils bow to him as he passes by.

- moon w.

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