The Beast

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Jenna watches as her best friend struggles to not slip in the pouring rain.

"RUN!" Jenna shouts again while keeping a wary eyes on mother natures weapon of mass destruction. Jenna then hopeless watches as Panda slips in a puddle and falls to the ground. She gets up quickly and tries to brush her wet her out of her face but the wind isn't helping. It's blowing Jenna's too.

Panda finally makes it to the doors and the girls fight the doors close and stand inside the first set of doors.

"I thought I told you to wait?!"

"You did but when you said that I had already gone back to my car, I was going to go somewhere else but when you texted that you were coming I tried to hurry back to the doors but I couldn't open my car door," Jenna sighed. She then spotted a mother with a toddler out in the storm about 50 yards from the front doors.

The mother appeared to be struggling with carrying the toddler and walking in the wind. Jenna couldn't leave them out there, her conscience would take that blow.

"Panda, stay by the doors open them when they come,"

"What? Where are you going?!"

"To help them, I can't leave them out there, the mother is trying to carry a toddler,"

"Fox, no you could die!"

"And they definitely will, someone has to do something!" Fox doesn't give Panda time to argue before running in the rain and wind towards the mother.

Jenna manages to sprint forwards with all she had and make it to the mother and toddler in some amount of seconds. She no track athlete and the rain and wind didn't help but the adrenaline does. Jenna can hear the roar of the tornado as it enviably draws closer. She notices the mother was pregnant and that's why she was struggling so much.

"RUN TO THOSE DOORS, MY FRIEND IS WAITING AND WILL OPEN THEM FOR YOU, I'VE GOT HIM YOU NEED TO GO!" Jenna grabs the toddler and the mother gives her a wary look, "GO ALRIGHT I'VE GOT HIM!" The mother looks at Jenna before taking off as fast as her pregnant body would carry her. Jenna looks at the toddler in her arms, he looked to be around six.

"HOLD ON TIGHT OKAY?" Jenna maneuvers the boy so he is in a piggy-back position. Jenna feels the boy grip her neck and wrap his legs around her torso. She then grips his legs to make sure he doesn't fall off. Jenna then broke off into a run. She was clearly slower with the boy on her back, but she was also trying to be as careful as possible will still rushing. If she fell Jenna knew it would be over for the both of them.

The beast was getting closer and all around them large debris falling from the sky. If Jenna hadn't been so determined and scared she would've laughed. Deep down Jenna felt as though she was in an action movie, with the skies dark, debris falling from all around her, and a young boy on her back.

Trying desperately to make it to the doors before the tornado could blow them away, as it stalked them like a predator and it's prey. I reach the doors as the first car in the high school parking lot is picked up and thrown quickly in Jenna's direction.

Just as Panda was about to open the doors, Jenna embarrassingly fell on the curb and her and the boy were thrown down to the ground. Jenna took the brunt of the fall trying to keep the crying young boy on her back away from the fall, she got up clumsily and can towards the door as more and more cars got picked up.

The tornado was about to cross the road that would mean the tornado was in the parking lot. It was very very close and Jenna was still not in the building. She ran inside the building and shoved the boy into Panda's arms immediately. "Get him into the offices NOW!"

Jenna runs straight to the office and makes a beeline straight for the intercom system. She knows how to use it because she has volunteered to say the pledge over it for her schools honours society.

"TAKE IMMEADITE COVER NOW! THE TORNADO IS IN THE PARKING LOT!" Jenna could tell that is was there because she was close to the front doors but she didn't know if the rest of the school should tell and she had the feeling she needed to announce it. She ran back into the foyer because the office was not the best place to be. She saw Panda and the boy standing next to the door to the student services office.

"What are you doing?" Jenna screeched.

"It's locked," Hannah cries as she can see the beast get closer and closer to the front doors of the school.

Thinking quick Jenna says, "Theater, theater auditorium nothing on the ceiling to fall and it's enclosed. It's an inside room RUN." Panda takes off but the boy won't budge.

"I wan my mommy!" He cries.

"I know bub, but we can't get to her right now. Come with me to the theater and we will be safe from the storm." Jenna didn't think about speaking in more of toddler tongue because she was nervous about the death funnel staring her in her face.

Sighing and getting frustrated with the boy she picks him up and runs.

It wasn't good enough, as she spent to much time trying to stay calm while negotiating with the boy. Jenna knew she wasn't going to make it up the steps, a short ways down the hallway, and into the theater that in it's own has 2 sets of doors.

While running up the steps the glass windows in the foyer blow out, showering them in glass. Jenna turns and holds the boys away from the windows so she is the one that is getting the glass to the back, holding the boy closer to her chest and shielding his eyes.

Jenna can feel the wind from the storm coming through the now nonexistent windows. The storm still drawing closer.

A/N I know it seems this tornado is moving slowly but tornadoes usually move at 10-20 MPH which is slower then most speed limits in school zones, so it's not moving that slowly. Also I'm pretty sure the wind and debris can be a ways from the tornado so just accounting for that. When I say that it's in the parking lot I mean like the very front of the tornado.

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