Kohana and Ashiya feel a chill down their spine when their home landline begins to ring, startling them both, and the Empress gets up from the table as Ashiya gets up to check on their dinner as she answers the phone with a frown. "Hello, this is the Maou and Ashiya residence; how can I help you?" She greets, and her frown worsens as she hears why the person calls and slams the phone down. "I'm gonna kill him!" She sneers and grabs her bag with her keys and wrenches the door open, and slams it shut behind her, leaving a shocked Ashiya.


Maou and Emi sit across from an officer at the police station and explain why they were arrested. "So why were you fighting there?" The Officer asks them.

"I had to defeat him," Emi replies with a pointed finger.

"Defeat?" The Officer repeats and looks at Maou. "Now listen, I've got no idea what your boyfriend did, but pulling a knife on him is going too far." He waves the knife Emi used.

"My...boyfriend?" She stutters, looking at him in surprise.

"I'm married," Maou mutters, thinking about how Kohana will react once he tells her if he tells her. He hopes they haven't called her; she'll kill him if she finds out. "He must think it was a lovers' quarrel between us."

"We are not in a relationship!" Emi snaps at him, slamming her hands on the table as she stands to her feet.

"That as maybe, if you want to break up, talk it through like adults. Just stay calm, okay?" He tells her, making her turn red in the face.


Kohana sits in the waiting room of the police station for her idiotic husband as she reads a magazine and hears the door open; she looks over the edge of her reading material and sees her husband coming out signing some papers. She gets up from her uncomfortable plastic chair and sees a familiar face. "You two should sort your lovers' quarrels less violently," The Officer comments, and she glares in their direction, Maou shivers, feeling a bad vibe coming from behind him, and he turns to see his seething wife.


They walk the three of them at night in the street; Maou pushes his bike alongside his wife as she walks next to him and Emi walks in front of the couple. "I think that's enough for today," Emi finally says, coming to a stop.

"Huh?" Maou asks.

"Why you-" Kohana sneers about to lung, but he stops her.

"But you won't get another chance. I know where you both live. From now on, you'd better sleep with one eye open!" She warns them, and Kohana growls.

"Come on...that doesn't sound like the kind of thing a hero would say." Maou comments, making the angry female swipe around to face them.

"I don't need to hear that from some part-time Dark Lord!" She sneers at him. "And some babysitter!"

"Babysitter!" The Empress exclaims about to hit her, but Maou stops her again, not wanting to get arrested again.

"Miss 100 yen Hero!" He calls back, defending his wife. "How about giving back the umbrella I lent you?"

"Wait, the one I lent you?" His wife asks him, and he avoids her gaze.

"Didn't you say I could just throw it away if I wanted to? I threw it away, all right. After tearing it to pieces!" She replies with a smug look on her face.

"You're awful!" He exclaims in shock at the Hero.

"How could a hero such as myself keep an umbrella borrowed from the Dark Lord?" She questions with a hostile manner.

The Devil's Empress (No. 9)Where stories live. Discover now