"Yes Benji, you are coming home with me tonight. I wouldn't want you to be on your own in your state. You might choke on your sick. I don't want that on my conscience." I explained with a smirk.

"Wow, my wish is coming true. I always wondered what your place looked like. I mean, I imagined gold toilet seats with silk toilet roll." He rattled on.

"I'm sorry that you're going to be disappointed. No golden toilet seat, and I definitely do not wipe my bum with silk." I smiled in response.

The elevator dinged. We reached my floor. The elevator was private and only for my use. I entered the code, which opened the doors to my home, my sanctuary. Benji pushed past me and ran in like a kid searching for Christmas presents. As he hit the centre of my living space, he started twirling around, taking in the sight of my home. "Woah" He said. "This place is dopeee." He exclaimed.

"Dope?" I chuckled as I made my way to the kitchen. I opened one of my cupboards and pulled out a special bottle of whiskey. I sighed with relief, thankful for the gift that Mr Cooper had given me for Christmas. It was after he realised I was a wolf and he had it laced with wolfsbane for 'that one day that I might need Dutch courage. I recollect shrugging at him and declaring that I would never use it because I was too much of a control freak.

I poured myself a hefty drink in one of the crystal glasses that was in the cupboard. I looked at my phone, wanting to check the time. A part of me couldn't believe it was already eight o'clock in the evening. Benji sprawled out on my sofa with his forearm covering his eyes. I could faintly hear him mention he shouldn't have done the twirling, as he felt sick.

"Lay down for a bit, Benji. I'm gonna step outside and make a quick call." I nodded toward the balcony. All Benji did was groan incoherently. At least one of us of drunk.

I sighed, and I made my way to the balcony. It was evening. The air was still crisp, but there was a gentle warmth that didn't cause my skin to recoil. The skyline of New York was twinkling with lights. I could faintly hear the hustle of the streets from my isolated world, but it sent out a small echo through that seemed to bounce off the buildings.

I swiped my phone and searched for a specific contact I hadn't used in a while. The ringing was in my ear when a warm chuckle travelled through the speaker.

"Loretta, what a surprise! It's been some time since we spoke." The voice was deep but held a warmth in his tone.

"Jared Cooper, what were you thinking, sending Jacob to my office?" I huffed out. The irritation was clear in my voice.

"Loretta, I thought you would be happy with the business offer. It was a good deal with a lot of potential. You've never complained about business before." He said with sarcastic dismay.

"Jared Cooper, you know how I have tried to stay away from the werewolf society. What are you really playing at?" I tartly replied.

I took a swig of my whiskey as it burned the back of my throat. I sighed in relief at the immediate effects that the wolfsbane was having on my body. The dose was not lethal, yet it enabled me to sense the alcohol buzz flowing throughout my body.. All that I could hear was the silence in my year and the honking of horns from the streets of New York City.

"Loretta, I was trying to help a friend." He sighed.

"What at my expense!" I snipped in response.

"No Loretta, that's not it all!" He blurted. "I didn't think you would be this upset. I was trying to help a friend of a neighbouring pack. They had some troubles, and I knew what you did for me and I was hoping you would do the same for him." Jared explained.

"Jared, you know I don't want to get involved with pack politics." I spat. I lifted my drink and took a large gulp, hoping that it would relax and ease some of my tensions.

"Loretta, you are a wolf, too. You can't deny who you are. I get it, you're a lone wolf and you prefer it that way, but wolves need to survive with a pack. You've been on your own for too long, your my friend Loretta and I care about you. You refused to join mine," He finished. "Plus, I was hoping you and Jacob would hit it off." Jared murmured.

I couldn't help but feel that anger boil inside me. The rage was becoming insatiable. How could a man that I helped and build from debt try to throw me to the wolves? The irony was that he didn't know he was trying to set me up with the mate that rejected me. Deep down where the voice of reason was lingering, I couldn't blame him for his actions. He knew nothing about my past. Unfortunately, that voice of reason was losing against my alcohol fuelled rage.

"Were you trying to set me up?" I screeched down the line.

"Maybe." He groaned. "Look, I thought maybe you might find him charming enough to agree to date or at least help him with his business. I was hoping it might entice you to rejoin a pack." He explained. All I could do was groan. I was about to speak when he interrupted. "Hear me out, Loretta, I can't help it. Your my friend and the Alpha in me, wanted to help your wolf. She must be lonely, not interacting with other wolves." He sighed.

I ran my hand down my face and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Jared, hear me out. Why would you set me up with someone that rejected his mate for his mate's sister? Like seriously, are you trying to set me up with an arsehole?" I questioned.

"Wait, how do you know about his mate?" He responded.

"Ergh, we got stuck in an elevator together when I asked him some questions. We got talking, and he told me the story. However, he thought I was human, like most wolfs do." I replied.

"How did he tell you about his mate, then?" The confusion in his voice was clear.

"He explained it as he would with any other human. Asked if I believed in soulmates and rather than speaking of rouges he spoke about a dangerous man." I sighed. I could feel the irritation in my voice rise.

"Loretta, he is a very lonely and hurt man. You do not know how much he has repented for what he has done. Honestly, I thought you would both hit it off, if not as lovers as friends." He replied.

"Jared, if his soul mate was your sister, how would you respond? Would you still think he has repented enough?" I scoffed. Silence filled my ear. All I could hear was Jared's hitched breathing. He couldn't answer because I know if anyone hurt his baby sister like that, he would be ten feet under. "Exactly. Your silence makes my point. I couldn't be with someone that rejects their mate. Whatever he is repenting, it isn't enough."

"I get your point." He relents.

"Look, just keep out of my business. Just because I am a lone werewolf doesn't mean that I am in danger. Just to ease your Alpha wolf's concern, my wolf abandoned me a long time ago. I only have enhanced abilities. Should she show her face, I would reject her like she rejected me. I have no need for a wolf, pack or mate. I am happy the way I am. Capishe?" I state.

"Capishe." He sighs.

"Good. Make sure Jacob doesn't find out that I am a werewolf, alright? I don't need any unwanted attention coming my way. As an Alpha and a man, I hold you in high regard, and I have no intention of making any threats. I would hope that you would offer me the same respect. Do not make an enemy out of me, please." I begged.

"Fine Loretta. You win. I will but out of your life." He finishes.

"Thank you, well, I'll let you get back to your evening. Goodnight." I swiped my phone, finishing the call as I leaned onto the bannister of my balcony. Inhaling deeply, taking a deep, calming breath, I pushed it out and stared into the skylight as I finished my drink.

"YOU'RE A WEREWOLF?!" Benji shrieked from behind. I tightly closed my eyes and groaned.


Edited 08/08/2023 

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