"Are you gan micey or what man?" you grinned still confused, laughing because you didn't know what else to do. Dean just shook his head, rolled his eyes at you and, with a ruffle of your hair told you to get back inside. 

"A'll see you after the show," he said, which wasn't an explanation and which only left you feeling more confused as you crossed the road and went inside. 

You managed to find a corner near enough to the front that you'd be able to see over other people's head, you weren't center but thats what you get for hiding away in a coffee shop half an hour before the gig. 

You'd bought a pint at the bar and as you stood through the support act you sipped it slowly, doing your best to nurse it. You didn't want to need a piss midway through Sam's set. 

Before he came on you got yourself another drink, stood there sipping it slowly, feeling it get warmer and warmer the longer you held onto it so that by the time he came on stage you were almost wincing with every sip. 

And that was the first time he saw you. 

He was just finishing up a song when he looked down to tune his guitar and caught you out the corner of his eye, this look of disgust on your face as you struggled to swallow a warm mouthful of flat beer. 

He laughed, at first you didn't know that he was laughing at you. 

"Someone get this lassie a cold pint, nah one deserves warm lager like," he grinned, chuckling into the microphone, "don't torture yourself pet," he grinned, his eyes locking with yours then as his smile lingered and you felt a shy smile growing on your lips. 

You couldn't look away from him then and as he launched into the next song you saw Dean abandoning his place on stage to grab you a beer from side stage. You laughed at that as he stretched out to pass you the bottle over the heads of the lads in front of you. You grinned raising the beer to your lips tipping it in a cheers to Sam when you caught him looking back at you. 

You expected that to be it but it wasn't. The rest of the show you kept feeling him looking at you, kept feeling his eyes on you, and when you managed to work up the courage to look back at him and check you saw him watching you. Your eyes would meet and you'd smile and he'd twitch a small smile or shoot you a wink. You soon forgot the bad mood you'd been in earlier that evening, soon forgot your nerves even and, as the lights came up after the encore, instead of heading straight for the door as you'd promised yourself you would in you previous sour state, you decided you would wait around after all. 

Even if you didn't meet Sam, it would be nice to catch up with the other lads who were starting to feel like your friends. Anyway, you needed to thank Dean for that beer. 

So you stood around waiting, nodding your head to the music playing through the speakers, watching as other fans milled around too, waiting for Sam. 

Eventually they started being cleared out by security and though you expected the guards to approach you too they never did and you looked around in confusion, leaning back against the wall as you waited for one of the lads to emerge. 

You shoved your hands back in your pockets and watched the crowd thin to nothing. You started helping the floor staff pick up the cups which had been abandoned, holding the back door open for the lasses carrying bins out. 

And then you heard a voice you recognised though not because it had ever been directed at you before. 

"Ya didn't have to wait around to thank me lass, it was only a beer," Sam grinned as you turned around, trying to hide how he'd made you jump. 

"Oh..." you said biting your lip, your smile flickering as you tried to think of something to say. What would you have said to anyone else? "It was Dean a wanted to thank actually," you managed with a cheeky smile, pleased when you saw the grin on his lips. 

catfish and the bottlemen imagines for rainy days + mondaysWhere stories live. Discover now