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The day was rising and the squad was getting ready to leave their home. The excitement was felt in the air. The sports festival was starting in a few hours. Their house was about one hour away on foot from the main city of the kingdom, so they had to get ready earlier to increase their chances of success. A tired Kaminari made his way into the living area. Never would he have thought that he would have found such a comforting life. He used to be a sailor in the king's Navy. From a young age, he learned the ways of the sea, how to survive in the deep blue waters and to gain for himself. One day, when him and the crew were on a commercial trip, they came across another ship of a rival kingdom.

Assuming there were richesses on that ship, the crew envaded it's board, only to find out that it was only carrying citizens. Nonetheless, they still robbed the people, throwing them at sea one by one, even the children. Kaminari was petrified, how could one do such thing? Unwilling to lend a hand to thoses murderers, he was thrown overboard with the rest. 

As he felt the bitting cold hug his members and drink the life away from him, soft voices singing an unforgettable melody lifted his body high. He couldn't really recall what happened that day, but he did remember long green hair, and a little "ribbit". He then was waken up on a nearby beach, by the boy he knew now as Sero, his loyal best friend.

Back in the living area, Kaminari heard footsteps approaching. He trurned his head to see a radiant and determined Kirishima. "Hey dude! You ready for today?" The red head gave up a crooked smile to his friend. "Hell yeah man." "WHO'S READY TO KICK ASS!" Mina shot out from litteraly nowhere to grab a piece of bread from the kitchen "Jeez Mina why this loud..." Sero came out too, yawning heavily. Only Bakugo was left to join the little gang. "Anyone seen Bakugo?" Kirishima looked to his friends, who just shrugged of their ignorance.
"Meh, he's probably off training or something" just like to prove what Sero had said, Bakugo came down the stairs that led outside, sweaty and red. He passed in front of his friends, giving them side eyes and went straight to the source to wash up.

"Damn, Sero you're good man." Kaminari fist bumped his friend, who gave a remarkable 'I knew it' smile. "We should probably eat a little something before going out." Mina went over to the kitchen and started munching on random leftovers to get some energy. The others followed her lead and in fifteen minutes, they were full and ready to start the long day that was ahead.

Bakugo came from the source to the living area, hair fluffy and a little wet, to tell the others "come on. It's time, we're leaving" Four pair of eyes turned to him and while giving an 'alright' they left their seats to follow their friend. While climbing up the turning stairs, in the core of the tree, Sero and Kaminari were whispering words of encouragement, pretty wierd ones too, to the group. "We're cooler than pine trees" "yeah man. We swifter than dust wipers" Bakugo looked at them "what the fuck are you saying, you shitheads?" Kaminari smiled at him like a dumb bitch "words of power dude" The spiky blond squinted his eyes in a very judgmental manner yet inside, he thought it was a little funny, just a little.

They got outside and Kirishima closed the entrance, hiding in perfectly. "Do we take my dragon?" "No, it would attract way too much attention for this type of mission. It's too risky." Bakugo replied, leading the way through the woods.

                          •.      •.       •.

At the same time, at the castle, while the sun was slowly rising with the excitement of the day, the King was pacing back and fourth in his throne room. He was angry, as usual, yet this time for no apparent reason. The guards, maids and butlers on standby in the room were sweating nervously, in fear of a random anger burst from the King. Last time it had happened, a maid was left with burns all over her arm, and now, she couldn't even use it anymore. The King started to slow his pace. "Go fetch me my son." He said in a dark and hard tone. "Yes my king." A young butler ran out the room, panting, either from relief to leave the room or stress from needing to summon the prince. The eldest, the scariest of all the Todoroki siblings.

A few moments later, the scared prince made his entry in the King's throne room. He found his father sitting on his throne with his usual horrible allure. He walked to him, his long dark coat swaying as he moved, and kneeled in front of his father.
"You asked father?" Endeavour held his stoic look. "There are scums that want to take place in the festival, disgusting honest people that may actually have a chance to win. I want you to make them unable to fight. I don't care what to do, make them disabled or whatever but I don't want to see even one of them in the trials, you hear me? I already have my champion chosen out, she will crush everyone in an instant, blood obsessed parasite as she is."

The prince, Toya, squinted his cold blue eyes at his father. He scoffed. Of course he would want him to get rid of the competition. If anyone thought it was a loyal and honest festival, they were the most idiotic people to exist. He bowed to his father with his head and left the room. To be honest, he was pretty annoyed with this last minute change. He wanted to pay a visit to the girl in the dungeon before the festival and now his plans were ruined. He took a letter that a butler held at the door. It contained all the names and addresses of the people to disqualify. Grunting, he left the palace to carry out his task.

Bakugo x Kirishima x Girl Y/N Fantasy AU 😏Where stories live. Discover now