Diagon Alley

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I woke up at 6:45 this morning, which is earlier than usual. I sit up in bed and wonder why I'm so happy this early. Then it hits me. Today I go shopping in Diagon Alley. For a magic school named Hogwarts. That is a lot to take in.
I get up and go downstairs, seeing that only my mother is up.
"Good morning, mother."
"Good morning, (y/n)" she responds, not looking up from her paper.
I sit done at the table and eat a muffin. I am so excited its hard to contain myself. Even when I'm just eating a muffin. Once I was done i thought id go read the latest issue of Witch Weekly. My mother always got this magazine. Even though I'm not magical yet, I grew up in the wizarding world. My family is purebloods, the kind that hates on muggles and mud bloods.
I sit down on the couch and take a look at the contents. Nothing seems to catch my eye. Member of pureblood family pronounced squib! Local witch found dead! And even, How to know if your husband is cheating on you. Now, this is a pretty ridiculous magazine, but it just got even worse.
My father came downstairs just as I set the magazine down.
"(Y/n), are you ready for today?" He asks.
"Yeah, I think so!" I say, still overly excited.
"Great" he responds, "were leaving in 30 minutes."
I smile to myself and jog upstairs. I only have thirty minutes to get dressed, brush my teeth, do my hair, and get my shoes on. When my dad says were leaving. We leave, whether you're ready or not.
I snap open my closet and grab an outfit. Jeans, a bright green quidditch hoodie, and a pair of green converse. I run into your bathroom, and grab a towel. I turn on the water and jump into the shower. The water is cold at first, but I get used to it.
Once I get out, I grab a brush and brush my hair. I part it on the right side, just as it started to dry into soft, dark curls. I lace my shoes, and run downstairs.
"Good job, (y/n)!" My father exclaims. "I told you 30 minutes and you were done in 28. Now sweetie," he says to my mom, "are you ready as well?"
As if to prove a point, she stepped into the room at that moment. She nods and my father, signaling that she's ready. My father grabs some floo powder and steps into the fireplace. I then do the same. And then my mother.
When I finally felt my feet on the ground, I opened my eyes. I gasped, what I saw was beautiful!
Then my father spoke up, "Welcome to Diagon Alley, (y/n)!"

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