Chapter 10: The Sun Has Risen Once Again

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One last thing, would you please cremate my body and spread my ashes to the sea together with New? New had always loved the sea and deserved to be free. And of course, wherever my husband goes, I go.

So, that's it, Off.

Someday, I hope, you'll find a love worth fighting for.

And when you do, don't let that person go.

P.S. Maybe try to fix your expression first. You always look angry, man! Smile a bit, will you?



Off chuckles as he reads Tay's letter. He's been reading it countless times for the last few weeks. The first few times, he was mad at himself, just as Tay suspected he'd do, because he thought it would've been better if he didn't give the recording to him. Then there were times when he'd be mad at Tay, because he thought New died in vain, saving his life, just for him to take it himself.

But then, after rereading it plenty of times, he gradually understood why Tay did what he did. He wanted to be with the love of his life and so he went after him.

I guess, it's the kind of love that I will never understand.

Off sighs and looks at the horizon, the sky turning lightly as the sun starts to rise. He's currently sitting on the sand in the seashore, with his arms prompted on his knees.

He did what Tay asked him to do. He asked Tay's father to make the foundation happen, while he did the other thing and scattered the spouses' ashes in the middle of the sea, using the yacht of the Vihokratanas.

"Asshole," Off says with a smirk on his face, "Is this the smile you've been talking about, huh?! Tsk. Was your smile the reason you got New? Tsk tsk tsk. I didn't peg him to be that easy." Off puts his hand  beside his mouth and shouts, "You're too easy, New! Too easy!" He laughs as he brings his hand down. He stares at the contents of the letter one last time before he folds it and puts it in his right breast pocket.

Off stands up and brushes the sand of his shorts, "Well, I have to go. I'll visit you again some other time. Hey, Tay! Can you visit your father and ask him to give the yacht to me? As a Christmas gift? Come on!" He scowls and rolls his eyes, "Fine. Then can I just borrow it? Come on! It'll help me with my love life!"

Off laughs and shakes his head when his peripheral catches a figure on his left. He looks at it and sees a petite man, smaller than him in height, wearing an all black outfit composed of a windbreaker, pants and a black cap. He seems to be crying because his right arm is up on his face and he keeps wiping his eyes with it.

Off contemplates for a minute whether or not to approach him. Eventually, he decides against it and walks away.

After taking a few steps, he groans and turns to his heel. He walks towards the smaller guy, scolding himself from doing it because he doesn't even know what he'd do once he gets to him. He just somehow knows that the man needs company.

When he's just about a few feet away, he stops. He turns his body towards the sea but his eyes are on the guy. He can't see his eyes, but the man has a pointed nose and his lips look thick and red.

Off gulps as he looks away.

Not the time, Off. Behave!

He takes the handkerchief in his right pocket. He looks subtly at the guy and very slowly extends the hanky to him.

He clears his throat when the man seems oblivious of his action.

The guy removes his hand from his face and looks at his extended hand. He looks at Off and blinks his eyes.

Off stares at his eyes and for a moment, he felt being sucked by those orbs. He immediately looks away and clears his throat.

He moves his hand subtly, "Here. Take it."

The man sniffs and looks at his hand again.

"I'm fine."

Off looks at him, "Just take it."

The man looks up at him again before he slowly nods and takes the handkerchief. He wipes his eyes with it and releases his snot onto it.

Once done, he looks at Off, "Uhmm…"

Off purses his lips briefly, "Just keep it."

"Thanks," the guy answers and pockets it.

He stares at the sea again as Off stares at him.

"What are you doing here?" He asks eventually after a few minutes of silence.

The man keeps silent for a few seconds before he replies, "Visiting a friend."

Off nods and looks at the sea, "Hmm. Me too."

He looks at the man again and extends his hand.

"I'm Off," he gives the guy a small smile, Tay's words reminding him to do so.

The man takes his hand and shakes it.

"Nice to meet you, Off. My name is Gun."

As they look at each other with small smiles on their faces, a new story begins to unfold.

The sun rises up again, signifying a new beginning.



Another AU has come to an end 🥺

Guys, thank you! Thank you so much for being with me throughout this short journey!

There are a lot of things we should be thankful for, a lot of things that we have that others weren't able to obtain.

I hope you guys find a love as profound as Tay and New had in this AU.

Special mention to user @yoliangxin!!! Thank you for beta reading and being patient with me! Jubjub! Rak naaaa 💙💕

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