Chapter 1 - New World

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A slime bounced around a small yet very active city named after it. Its viscous fluid body offered a blue color that reflected sunlight.

Rimuru had been happy with the recent progress. The orcs who had been defeated last week were settling in quite nicely to everyone's liking.

Their high number had initially been a problem for food and housing, but they soon proved to be worth it. Their hardworking attitude caused Tempest's production to skyrocket, showing a collaborative spirit like none had seen before.

Not only had they finished their place to live in five days, they also started the construction of a highway to the Armed Nation Dwargon.

To Rimuru's displeasure, they did this partially out of guilt, in particular their new leader, Geld.

The Orc Lord was, for sure, a huge problem for the whole Jura Forest, and even the world, but the slime had made sure no one would hold bad blood towards the starved army.

And it worked. Except for them.

Rimuru was no fool. It knew, even though it intended to take on his sins along with the Demon Lord Seed, they still held themselves accountable for the actions of their leader. The slime really wanted to help them, but didn't know how.

Though, that had to wait, for another problem soon arose.

'What is this magic signature? It's off the charts! It's heading straight for this town... I need to go out right now.'

As the slime hurried across the fields of grass to the hill it expected the looming catastrophe to arrive at, something more unexpected happened. As the pink meteor looking entity approached, the pressure spiked around the city.

Rimuru did not need any special ability to sense space itself partially collapse a kilometer away from its current spot.

«Notice. This seems unrelated to the magic signature soon to arrive.»

'So I'm getting attacked by two harbingers of destruction at the same time? Talk about unfair!'

Over on the pressure's end, what can be best described as a white hole. A bright flash which made sunlight look like darkness gave off a blinding shine.

It then proceeded to be blocked by some humanoid figure who emitted an aura of brutality and mercilessness. It stood where the light once did and fell right through the trees deep into the forest.

Rimuru decided whatever it just witnessed was a much larger threat than the first signature and ran over to the origin of the murderous feeling.

When the slime arrived, the newcomer had already engaged in combat with Benimaru, Soei and Shion.

The entity looked human in body shape, its skin a white bordering albinism. Its height was somewhere between 1,80 and 1,90 meters, and its hair was short and curly with heavy taints of pink. and the other prominent feature of its body was its eyes, the only physical hint that it might not be human. A pair of bloody red rings for irises surrounded by a pitch-black cornea emanated a feeling of being stared down by a vast audience.

The creature wore royal attire composed of a golden crown with several jewels around them, a red gown down to its feet, only exposing its front for the rest of the clothes to be seen. Below it stood a simple shirt, a long blood red bandage around its waist, a pair of grey trousers and large black boots.

Now that Rimuru approached the creature, it could hear some sort of voice. It couldn't make out what the whispers were saying, since they kept getting quieter.

'So this must be an otherworlder. It just came out of the sky and is dressed like a king. Must have been reincarnated like me.'

It couldn't dwell too much on him though, as a massive crash happened in between everyone. Rimuru had completely forgotten about the original signature.

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