Fan Fiction?

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Concept manager was in the seventh cloud. The meeting which goes on for hours ended in a single hour today. No one had to argue because they presented ideas just like manager had in his mind. It actually is a great achievement.

After everyone presenting there ideas, concept manager spoke about their last online concert. The boyband made tired faces when the manager began another speech to explain the theme of the concert, because they were looking forward to go to their rooms.

👨This time, your concert will go on to the theme fan fiction.

They were stunned when the concept manager declared, but they did a good act to cover it. A successful act.

Jin was the first one to answer the concept manager.

"Fan fiction?"

👨We did a survey to find out the way that fans like to see you the most. So we decided to use that theme for this concert.

"No one reads fan fiction"

Yoongi also joined when Jungkook voiced out his idea.

"Yes. They aren't real"

👨Not only fan fiction, we refer to webtoons and fan arts too.

"Do people actually read webtoons?"

When Hobi asked in surprise, Taehyung talked about fan arts.

"Fan arts aren't a big deal. No one cares about them now. They are just old fashioned stuff"

👨I can't agree to that. We got a good result for them in our survey. Other one is instagram. We refer for some fan fictions in instagram too.

"Are there fan fictions in instragram? I thought it was to upload photos..."

Concept manager nodded and explained the speciality in instagram fan fictions for the question Jimin asked.

Everyone turned towards Namjoon who was silent all along, because no one expected such words could come out from a genius, super smart being like Namjoon's mouth.

"What does a fan fiction mean?"
To be continued...
Fiction by Roshell 🍃

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