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A/N: K so we're not gonna address the fact that I keep not updating for almost a month k, ok. The song is gonna be apart of this chapter cuz yk Henry beat Y/n up nd he called her names (idk if i put him calling her names in the chapter bu if  didn't just pretend i did) nd yea I don't believe I can really explain much without giving every detail away so yea. However, I don't think I'm gonna incorporate any of the lyrics. You'll see if I do

Btw italic bold is an a/n bu normal bold is kinda her more sensible side (the side that tells people that they deserve better). The normal italic is ig her pushover side like its her bu the side of her that she let take over most of the time, the side that tries to reason everything wit herself, the side that makes people go back wit toxic people, that little voice that says they still love you nd they didn't mean it or it was an accident type thing when someone you love puts you down or sum.

Y/n POV:

It's been a little while since Henry left. Nd guess whatttt; i moved from the spot Henry left me in. Nowwwww I'm lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, hoping I'll fall asleep soon. I honestly hope I fall asleep like now, I feel like today has been such a long day. I kinda wish Richie was here I'm negl. Yk what's crazy; I still blame Richie for all this shit (please tell me yk the reference).

My anxiety has been getting progressively worse and worse, buttttt luckily, I have a crystal for that-its called Amethyst-its a really pretty purple crystal. It has many properties, like all crystals however I programmed it to help me with stress, anxiety, and overcoming my social anxiety ((k bu i actually did that). I also have another crystal called Black Obsidian which I programmed to help with safety from negative energies. Why haven't I been using these, I don't know the answer to that myself bu I'm mad at myself now. What if what happened with Henry could've been avoided if I had been using my Black Obsidian.

Maybe I should start keeping crystals on me at all times

Maybe I should go get some more crystals

Maybe I should get some water

Maybe I should apologize to Henry the next time I see him

Maybe I should go out nd look for Henry

What did you do to him tho?

I talked back to him, I tested him, I was basically asking for it. Ik what he's like

No bu he hit you, you didn't lay a single finger on him. It was all him

Don't try and pin this on Henry, he loves you and just wanted the best for you bu you just have to go and make everything difficult for him

Do you even hear yourself? He literally was beating the shit outta you a couple hours ago not to mention all the things he called you and you're defending him

Yes, I hear myself but do you hear yourself, he was just trying to get us to stop smoking nd shit bu ofc you just had to be all stubborn. Nd another thing just because someone hits you doesn't mean they don't love you. Nd same thing wit name calling. He didn't mean it yk that.

1 yes, he started out trying to get you to stop smoking but do you realize that that's not how it ended. It ended in him legit hitting you. Nd 2 I never once said that because someone hits you, they don't love you bu I don't think statement is entirely wrong. Nd You don't know what he thinks maybe he's telling u how he actually thinks of u. 

Henry loves us literally so much he only hit us because he wants us to stop sm that he just lost his temper when he saw us smoking again. He cares so much that was his reaction when he saw us smoking. Plus, what if someone who doesn't know how to properly show love thinks that hitting the people, they love is how to show their affection towards that person. Or what if they just lose their temper sometimes, or what if they just had a bad day nd accidently took it out on someone. Nd maybe he was drunk people say things they don't mean all the time when they're drunk.

Maybe he does want us to stop but that doesnt mean beat ur sister up. How's that gonna help the situation? It won't cuz it doesnt help in any way shape or form. If someone doesnt know how to love then they need to learn obviously but that doesnt mean they get to mistreat u. Nd yes, everyone loses their temper sometimes bu they don't get as ad as him and if they do it's probably not as often as he does. Lso sorry bu no drunk words r sober thoughts

K maybe we can help him, he can get better. You can't just lose faith in him. He needs you to believe in him. We just have to give him another chance, everyone deserves a second chance.

Alr yea everyone deserves a second chance bu how many second chances have u given him?

It doesn't matter how many chances I've given him, he's gonna get better ik it. Thats why i keep giving him chances cuz ik he can do it. Ik he'll get better at some point. You just don't have enough faith or trust in him.

Bu can u blame me? How long has it been  since you've given him chance after chance nd all because you "believe in him" again ? Oh yea, yearssss. Years that you've wasted your time hoping nd wishing for something that is still yet to happen.

Just wait you'll see, he's gonna get better nd you're gonna be all embarassed cuz I was right the whole time nd u fought with me so many times over just this topic when you deep down I'm right.

Nah honestly u just wait nd see, ur gonna realize hes a lost cause. Nd u realize I'm literally u, you've been having fights about this cuz you have doubts. Deep down u know IM right You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.

No, he can be helped. He just needs OUR help. He needs an extra little push to help him get there nd im prepared to be that push. We just can't be pushy or obvious about it. 

Im just so done with this argument u never agree wit me anyways. Whether or not you chose to accept it yk im right.

Awesome, now that that's over i can go back to normal.

Anygays, I have to find something to motivate me to actually get up nd do sum. 

Richie's POV:

I've just now realized Y/n hasn't been out much. I'm starting to get a little worried ngl. She was looking forward to break sm nd she's not even out of the house.

I feel like ik whats up wit her bu i just dont want to believe it yk. I feel like maybe there's a chance it's something else. 

Idk much about Y/n's home life I just know she's not happy there. Surprisingly tho with what but maybe 2 occurrences of Y/n's house I had been told were quite eventful. Ik Henry is a real ticking time bomb nd so is her dad. I remember being told that he had done sum to her bu i forgot what.

Ik I should know nd I feel kinda bad that I dont cuz I'm starting to realize all she did for me. Most of the whole relationship revolved around me. I mean yea I took her places, hung out wit her, etc. bu I feel like most of all that time was spent wit her trying to make me happy.

Looking back on the memories that could help me in any way I only really remember her saying that she doesn't want to be in her house unless she really has to, she'll take every opportunity possible to leave that hellhole. 

Which is exactly my point if she hates it there sm why isn't she leaving her house. Nd if she is why isn't she hanging out wit us. 

Ik Beverly has gone to talk to her a couple times. I'm pretty sure the other losers had some questions but to be honest I was never paying attention nd I never had questions about y/n.

I kinda feel bad now I used to call her a drama queen a lot of the time nd i never even listened to her. I called her so many things many of which weren't good things.

Im starting to think about it now nd I kinda want Y/n back. My new gf kinda really sucks balls 

I think imma go talk to Y/n.

I hope Henry's not there.

Or her dad I hope neither of them r there.

Patrick Hockstetter x (fem) ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora