• Chapter 2 •

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"Help me! Duncan!". Her voice echoed in my head like torment. There was this panic building inside me, taking over as I desperately tried to follow her aiding cry. I yelled out her name. It soared out from the back of my throat in raw anguish. "Sienna where are you?!".

I kept running, following her voice but I simply ended up going in circles. It seemed like I was going mad. All I could do was fall to my knees in exhaustion as I clutched my head, trying to suppress her cry. It was never-ending suffering and all I did was shout from the tops of my lungs. " SIENNA!".

All of a sudden everything became silent and then, the sound of my name. "Duncan". Weary as tears drenched my face I looked up.

" This is all your fault", he said.

I shook my head as I denied the accusations.

"You were the cause of her misery and you will be the cause of her death".

Jax clenched Sienna by the throat, digging his fangs into her neck, devouring her like a starving beast.

"Nooo! Sienna!".

"Duncan! Wake up".

"Let her go!" I jolted upward from the bed as my eyes flared in bitter outrage.


I heard her soft melodic voice say my name. I blinked a few times as my breathing slowed down while her delicate arms draped around my neck. I realized it was all a dream. I took in a deep breath as I found comfort in her embrace.

"It's those nightmares again isn't it?" She asked.

I nodded as I closed my eyes, pulling her into my lap and burying my face in her chest. After the whole ordeal, these dreams kept haunting me every night. I couldn't seem to shake them off despite how much I tried to.

I felt her hands run her fingers through my hair in the most pleasing way possible. "Why don't you ever wanna tell me what those dreams are about?", she implored.

"They are too dark and not of importance" I replied as I finally met her gaze.

Sienna's soft blue eyes looked at me with such concern it melted my heart. But I couldn't tell her that the reason for these dreams was because I-

"They must be important if you keep having them every night", she said.

"What matters is that you are right here with me and once we find your brother we can go as far away from everyone and everything that threatens our very existence. I promised to protect you and your family and that's what I attend to do". I cupped her face in my hand, leaning in to meet her halfway. With one of her sweet smiles, she pressed her lips against mine. It sent waves of statics all over my body, ceasing every dark thought I had a moment ago.

I allowed myself to let go, leaning back as she ascended over me. We proceeded to passionately kiss before her lips drifted to my collarbone and chest. I could hear the sound of my heart as its rhythm intensified. I felt myself become erect and all I could think of was how much I needed her right this instant.

Our heated moment was cut short as a knock on the door immediately brought us to our feet.

"Rise and shine love birds! Breakfast is ready" Adira shouted from the other side.

Duncan and I bit our lips as we attempted to conceal what we were about to do.

"Ya can try and hide what ya were about to do but that passion and those elevated heartbeats can be heard from the kitchen", Adira teased.

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