Old Friend

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The news of moving in with Mark excited Alex to no end when we told him that following day. He started asking us questions like, "Are you two going to get married? Will I have a bigger room?" He was so cute and full of life and I hoped that nothing would ruin that happiness for either of us.

On the last day of our vacation, we packed up and headed for Arizona to see Raw. I found that I was really excited about seeing Mark in action. Just think, a week ago I'd barley cared about WWE and now I was dating one of their biggest stars. Unfortunately, we ended up running into Maven upon our arrival to the arena. Alex hid behind me as soon as he seen him, crying softly. Man I hated to see him sad.

"Well well well...if it isn't the two people I recently disowned." He said as he folded his arms over his chest.

I rolled my eyes as Mark stepped in front of us. "Leave them alone Maven. I really don't want to have to hurt you today so please...back off."

Maven glared at me for a moment and then back at him. "Ok Taker...I'll see you in the ring."

Mark stared him down as he walked away from us.

"Sissy, Maven is a meanie." He said.

I nodded, "Yes he is honey, but it's alright. Mean guys never win in the end."

Alex sighed, "Oh yeah? Well why is he famous now? He shouldn't be when he scares me in my sleep."

I glanced at Mark and then at him, "Alex what do you mean?"

"Nothing. It's not important. Let's just go watch the show." He said.

Mark and I looked at each other before heading back towards his dressing room. He handed us backstage passes before we walked down the hall. Alex got very excited when he saw a few more of his favorite wrestlers. While he was talking to Stone Cold, someone walked up behind me and tapped my shoulder. When I turned around I came face to face with Kane.

"Leah? Do you remember me?" he asked.

I nodded, "Of course I do, how are you?"

He smiled, "Oh I'm doing much better now. Are you here to see the show?"

"Uh yeah, actually my little brother won the contest so-"

"-Hey Glenn." Mark said as he stepped up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

Kane's face fell for a moment as he looked at us. "Hold on a second...this is the girl you told me you met?"

Mark nodded, "Yes."

"Wow man, this is the nurse I told you about as well." Kane said sounding slightly irritated.

"Oh...damn man I'm sorry about that. I didn't know." Mark said.

Kane shook head, "Yeah sure you didn't....I'll see you later Leah."

Without another word Kane stalked on past us making Mark chuckle. "Damn."

"What? Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

Mark shook his head, "No...I sort of did. Kane told me he met you awhile back, I didn't realize you were the same Leah he was talking about until now."

"Well what's the issue?" I asked.

"He had a crush on you." Mark said.

I blushed and hid my face, "Oh Gosh..."

"Yeah...now I feel like a dick." Mark said.

I giggled, "You shouldn't though. I didn't know he had a crush on me and you didn't know so he'll just have to get over it won't he?"

He smirked and then kissed me. "Very well said."

"Ewwww," Alex said.

I giggled and gently pulled away from Mark. "Sorry Alex. Are you ready to go sit down?"

"Yes ma'am!" he said.

I smiled and hugged Mark, "Good luck tonight."

"Thanks babe. Come back to my dressing room when the match is over ok?" he asked.

"Ok." I said before kissing him again.

Alex stuck his tongue out, "Yuck!"

We both laughed before I took Alex to be seated. While we were seated out there I couldn't help but somewhat feel bad about the whole Kane situation. I mean sure he really didn't have a chance with me but...he was a nice guy. Hopefully we would work things out and become friends. It sure would suck to have one more enemy besides my own brother.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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