The House

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I was feeling a lot better once we made it to our first destination. Alex looked at me with a confused look on his face when we pulled up in front of a beautiful beach house that had two palm trees in front of it. The building was peach colored and had plenty of tropical flowers planted all around it. The Undertaker smirked as we looked at the house in awe.

"Are we staying here Mr. Undertaker?" Alex asked.

Undertaker nodded, "Yes we are. I figured you two would like this more than a hotel."

I smiled at him wondering what more he had in store for us. When the limo came to a stop, we all got out and examined the house closer.

"This is awesome!" Alex said.

"Do you guys like it?" Undertaker asked as he grabbed the bags. We both nodded at the same time making him smile. "Good. This is actually my personal vacation home."

I smiled and bent down to smell the flowers. There were all different types that ranged in many different colors. They smelled lovely and actually brought a huge smile to my face.

"I take it you love flowers." Undertaker said.

I glanced at him, "Oh yea...I love all types of plants in general."

He smiled, "Good to know. Come on let me show you guys the rest of the place."

I nodded and took Alex's hand. The inside of the house was even more beautiful than the outside. There were hard wood floors with Ivory colored walls in the hallways and a warm yellow in the bedrooms. I was happy to see a small room made completely for Alex. There were wrestling toys, posters, and his bed was even made to look like a WWE ring.

"Leah lookie!" he yelled as he ran and jumped in his bed. "Now I can be a real wrestler!"

I smiled, "Yeah you can."

The Undertaker came in behind me and sat his bag down. "Here you go champ, I see you're getting use to your new room."

"Oh yea! I want to stay here forever!" he yelled as he jumped off the bed and ran up to me. I giggled and rubbed his head as he wrapped his arms around me. "Sissy we should! Please?"

I sighed, "Oh I don't know about that Alex."

"Why not? You smile a lot more away from home." He said.

I couldn't help but notice how right he was. I did feel a lot happier now that we were away from home.

"Listen...Alex...we just got here and I don't if Mr. Undertaker was planning on keeping us around for awhile."

Alex sighed, "Oh yea..."

The Undertaker cleared his throat, "You're sister is right Alex. As much as I would love to keep you...I don't think your sister is up for it."

I gasped and glared at him, "Excuse me?"

He winked at me and then carried my bags down the hall. I turned to Alex and tapped his nose, "I'll think about it ok?"

He gasped, "Yay!"

"But don't get your hopes up. I still have to feel this place out first ok?" I said.

He nodded and then went to play with his toys. I smiled and went to find the Undertaker who was just turning to go into a room that was next to Alex's. When I turned the corner, I stopped at the beautiful sight I saw. I had a huge room with deep pink walls and a white carpet. There was a platform bed in the corner of the room with white sheer curtains hanging loosely around it. I stepped into the room as he opened the balcony doors, revealing the backyard. I closed my eyes as the cool breeze and the smell of flowers came into the room.

"I hope you like it here. The balcony has the best view." He said as he gently took my hand and led me out onto the balcony. My eyes were amazed at the sight of the beach that was in the backyard. The ocean was so clear and breathtaking. All I wanted to do was run out there and stand in the water, letting the breeze cover me.

"It's beautiful." I said.

He smirked, "You can go out there anytime you want. The water is pretty shallow so it's safe for Alex if he can't swim."

I nodded and glanced at him, "Thanks so much for doing all of this. It really means a lot to Alex."

He chuckled, "Just to Alex?"

I smiled and folded my arms, "And me...I suppose."

He stared at me for a moment, almost as if he was searching for something.

"What?" I asked, breaking the silence.

He smirked, "'re just so gorgeous."

I smiled and looked away, "Thanks."

"I'm serious about that you know? You are by far the prettiest woman I have ever seen." He said as he took my hand into his own and gently pressed his lips against it.

I giggled and bit my bottom lip. "Well you're not that bad looking yourself Undertaker."

" me Mark." He said.

"ok..Mark." I said with a smile.

He kissed my hand again, "I'll be in the next room if you need something."

I nodded, "Alright."

"Make sure Alex gets plenty of rest too. We're going to have a long day tomorrow at Disney." He said as he headed for my door.

"Oh don't worry he has a early bedtime." I said.

He nodded, "Ok. Well feel free to explore this place when you're done settling in."

"Ok." I said with a smile. "Mark?"

He turned around and looked at me. "Yes sweetness?"

I ignored the little remark but smiled anyway, "Thanks again."

"No problem," he said before leaving my room.

As soon as he was gone I released the breath I had been withholding since he first kissed my hand. He was indeed a very attractive man but I needed to know more about him before I let him get into my head. I could already see he was a flirt and that just could be a problem if I were ever with him...Oh no...what am I saying? I just met this man and yet here I was ready to be with him.

I really didn't want him to get the wrong impression of me either...I wasn't the type who was after his money. I wanted to get to know him on a more personal level too. Hopefully this week would give me the chance to do that.

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