"What?" Y/n screeched, effectively cutting off whatever Kakyoin was going to say next. "I can't believe him! He's so god-damn irritating!"

Kakyoin stared at her, dumbfounded, mouth still open from being cut off earlier. Y/n, however, continued her rant, undeterred by the redhead's flabbergasted expression.

"Seriously, one minute the guy's so nice, and the next he's got that stick shoved up his ass again! I have no idea what goes on inside that big, fat, stupid, stupid head of his!"

"Y'know what? I give up," Kakyoin muttered, holding his head in his hands. "And that's quite rich coming from you, Miss Rollercoaster-of-a-Brain-Everyday. All of your concern yesterday about me going loopy should've been directed at you instead!"

Y/n stared at him for a moment, wondering what on earth he meant. Sure, only a few days ago, she was acting like the human-equivalent of the jitters, but even that was Jotaro's fault. He was the one being soft around her all of a sudden. But she wasn't about to confess that to Kakyoin – he'd hold it over her for days. Regardless, Jotaro should be the person they all turn their concern towards. Chalking up her irregular behaviour to one certain delinquent, Y/n stated, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Of course, you don't," Kakyoin grumbled, apparently frustrated but unsurprised, "Neither of you do."

But before either of them could say anything further, Joseph's voice carried over.

"We're here!"

Looking ahead, Y/n could see the miles of sand giving way to a large body of water, a small speedboat docked neatly at the shore. Joseph, Polnareff and Jotaro were already there, waiting for the two stragglers to catch up. The mile walk wasn't so bad when she could argue with Kakyoin.

Both she and he picked up the pace, almost in a flat-out sprint by the time they reached the rest. Joseph ushered the group into the speedboat and plopped himself down behind the steering wheel. Upon seeing this, Y/n, Jotaro, Kakyoin and Polnareff exchanged glances before snatching up a life jacket each, much to Joseph's chagrin.

"You have no faith in me!"

"You're absolutely correct," Y/n nodded, smiling sweetly at the old man as he set the boat moving.

No one spoke for the short duration of the ride, though seemingly for varying reasons. Kakyoin clutched onto the sides of his seat such that his knuckles turned white – likely in preparation for disaster, Joseph doing the same to the steering wheel, probably for the same reasons.

Polnareff and Jotaro both faced opposite sides, scanning the area for any potential attacks. Y/n stared at the quickly receding shoreline, wondering about Avdol's state over the past few weeks of his recovery, as well as Polnareff's response to the matter – how would he react to knowing that the man was actually not dead at all and that the rest had, in fact, known?

But before she could dwell on it for too long, Joseph pulled up sharply to the shore, grinning pointedly at each of them as they stepped off and gathered under a large palm tree, blissfully shaded from the sun.

After a few moments, Joseph spoke up.

"Right, we're here because the Speedwagon Foundation left us some very important supplies that we were unable to collect anywhere else – for our own safety." Polnareff nodded along, apparently having already heard this. "But whilst they told me which island to come to, I did not receive any specific coordinates. So, the plan from here is to split up." Joseph looked to the Frenchman, "Polnareff and I will head west, and you three can split up to cover the rest however you please." He paused to glare deliberately at the three of them, enunciating each word carefully, "And there is no need to double back over any area that is already being searched – what we are looking for is not easy to pass over."

He waited for the three to nod in agreement before turning and ducking under some low hanging branches, Polnareff hot on his heels.


Once they had completely disappeared through the trees, the sound of their footsteps fading, Kakyoin sighed heavily.

"Well, he definitely made that abundantly clear."

Jotaro scoffed, "You kidding? It was overkill."

"But did you notice how Polnareff just nodded along, like there was nothing weird about it at all," Y/n giggled, flopping down onto the sand. "Now we wait for them to come back, I guess."

"I hope Avdol's doing okay now, though," Kakyoin murmured. "A head injury isn't as quick and easy to recover from as he's making it seem."

"But," Y/n began, "It's Avdol. Y'know, the responsible one – the mum friend if you will. He knows what he's doing. And he wouldn't rush to come back to us if he knew he wasn't in great shape."

"Mum friend," Jotaro repeated, with a low chuckle, "More like the nanny with a solid head on his shoulders." He shifted so that he faced the water and lowered himself to the ground beside Y/n.

Kakyoin watched carefully as the two angled themselves towards each other, the actions almost entirely inadvertent. Slowly, he took a few steps back, hoping to provide the not-yet-love birds with some alone time. Where they'd finally get a move on and progress things, Kakyoin thought, rolling his eyes.

Jotaro was watching Y/n as she stared out at the waves, eyes trailing over parts of her face and visibly stopping at her eyes and lips. He analysed her for a moment longer before saying, "Polnareff's the more concerning one in this situation. Shame we'll miss his reaction when it happens."

"Miss it?" asked Y/n, lips quirking into a smile, "I think we'll hear his shriek from here."

Jotaro looked at her for a moment with an eyebrow slightly raised before huffing out a short laugh. "I guess so."

His face moulded into one of its rare, small smiles. One of the genuine ones that Kakyoin had seen him grace Y/n with when he believed no one else was watching. Though he'd known Jotaro for less time than Y/n did, he was certain those smiles didn't see the light of day often.

Deploying all of his telekinetic powers, he willed Y/n to turn her head and view the expression in its full glory. He wasn't sure if they'd ever notice their feelings if they came and smacked them in the face, without his constant nudging. But alas, like his telekinetic prowess, the attempt resulted in nothing.

Sighing quietly, he picked up the pace, eager to provide the two with space as well as escape the growing tension that he would choke on if he stayed a moment longer. If only they'd hurry their asses up, he thought. The idiots would look good together.


Yees, a smol filler chapter, I'm aware! Forgive me! Yeah, I'm drowning in college stuff so this isn't the best, but the next will be some Joot/Y/n interaction!

Thank you for reading this chapter, and if you liked it, please consider leaving a vote!

:) - Angel 

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