I opened the doors, nearly tripping and falling. 

"Padawan?" My Master asked, rushing to my side. 

I held up Dooku's saber.

"He...got away. I managed to disarm him, but he got away." I managed to say, my body shaking. 

"We need to get him to the infirmary." 

"No." I grunted. "Dooku mentioned a clone prisoner, Echo could be alive." 

"We aren't searching Separatist worlds for a clone." Ki-Adi said. 

"Every clone matters." Plo Koon insisted. 

I clutched my saber wound, my hands trembling. 

"Step aside, all of you must." Yoda said, hopping off how seat and walking towards me. He outstretched his arm to my wound and closed his eyes. My wound began patching itself up, the screeching pain became a dull ache. I felt the wound through the hole in my robes. There was now nothing but a scar. 

"Thank you." I told him. 

He simply nodded.

"How did you defeat Dooku? We also heard the entire Citadel collapsed." Obi-Wan said. "How did you manage that?"

"It was the Force....I felt it flow through me...it was....unexplainable." I told him. 

"Then no need to explain, go get some rest, Padawan. Take it slow for a while. We already have a mission for you on Umbara, but that's in a few weeks, rest." My Master advised. "And perhaps change your robes." 

I looked down, just realizing how tattered my robes were from the lightning, and the hole from the lightsaber. 

"Right." I nodded. 

I walked across the hall, about to open my room and then I got punched in the arm. 

I turned to see who it was, and saw Rose, with her arms folded, with Liam and Nathaniel, holding in a smirk. 

"If you pull something like that again, we will kill you, you know that right?" She said, with a serious tone. 

"Yep, got it." I said, holding my sore arm. 

"Is that what I think it is?" Liam said, pointing at Dooku's saber in my hand. 

"Yeah. Looks like The Count is gonna need a new saber." I said. 

"Nice job." Nathaniel said. "We need to get to training, and you need to get to a bacta tank..

I looked over my body. Even though Master Yoda had healed my stab wound, I still had bruises and blaster holes.

I nodded, and entered my room. I changed my tattered robes to identical ones, minus the several holes and burn marks. I held up Dooku's saber. My hands were shaking. Revan's power....that power, was dangerous.

I placed Dooku's saber on the nightstand. 

"What have I gotten myself into." I said, shaking my head. 

I walked to the medical bay in the Temple, in need of some much needed rest. 

Third Person's P.O.V

Dooku lay on the floor of the shuttle, shivering in pain. The Dark Side gave him a burst of strength to get out of the Citadel, but when the adrenaline rush died, he felt like a frail old man, not a Sith Lord. Dooku was thinking about how he was possibly defeated. By a Padawan especially. 

"The Dark Side?" He whispered to himself, rolling over on his back. 

Dooku wheezed as he got up, and tapped the console of his shuttle. He then collapsed to a knee, standing up was to painful. Then an image of Dooku's master, Sidious, appeared. Dooku already felt the change of temperature in the room. Sidious gave a cruel smile. 

"Mission failed, I presume?" 

Dooku swallowed. "The Jedi got away, My Lord. But, not to worry, we killed the Jedi they were going to rescue. A somewhat successful mission, My Lord." Dooku said, trying to reassure his Master. 

Sidious growled. "Somewhat successful? Do you call the Republic having the Nexus Route somewhat successful? Do you call the entire Citadel, destroyed, somewhat successful? And most importantly, do you find yourself, defeated and broken, somewhat successful?" 

Dooku stayed silent. 

"Who defeated you?" Sidious asked. "Was it Skywalker? Kenobi? Both?"

Dooku took a deep breath. "A Padawan."

Sidious stayed silent for a minute, and then finally spoke. "I chose you as my apprentice because I saw unlimited power in you. A storm of anger and hatred. And you were bested by a Padawan?" 

Dooku. "This one was different, he was powerful. He's Master Windu's apprentice. The boy has been thoroughly trained." 

Sidious gave another of his cruel smiles. "He will be dealt with soon. When he finds what is waiting for him on Umbara, or rather, WHO is waiting for him on Umbara, he won't see it coming." 

Sorry I haven't posted in a while folks. It has been a pain maintaining honor roll. Anyway, peace out. 

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