💥Chapter 24💥

Start from the beginning

Bakugou Pov:

Y/N would not stop asking if I was okay. I was worried about her since she was the one who got tortured, so why is she so worried about me?

"I'm fine."

I'm not fine, but I can't add anything to her plate. If I blame myself for All Might's retirement, it will seem like I'm blaming her too. I can't do that to her.

Y/N Pov:

Katsuki kept assuring me that he was fine, I just hope that he wasn't lying.

Aizawa showed up and chewed out most of the class for not stoping or being part of the rescue squad. I'm grateful that they did it, but they did break the rules.

Aizawa killed the excited mood and now everyone seemed sad. I saw Katsuki pull Kaminari into the bushes and electricity shot in every direction. Kaminari stumbled out in his dumb state.

"Yay! Yay!"

We all laughed at his stupid state as Katsuki forced money into Kiri's hands. What was that about?

Aizawa showed us the layout and I was on the fourth-floor right next to Mina. This will be fun.

Ochako helped float my boxes up to my room since we were close by and I got to work on my room.

After a few hours of work, it was finally done.

After a few hours of work, it was finally done

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(You're welcome to picture something else. Pictures always help me visualize it better though so here you go! You do have some workout equipment like weights too.)

I was exhausted once I made my bed, so I undid my blankets and snuggled right in. I was too tired to go into a self-destructive spiral and fell asleep quickly.

I was having an awful nightmare of Shigaraki, Dabi, and Toga, so when Mina pounded on my door, telling me that I needed to come to join them, I wasn't too annoyed.

I slipped out of bed and opened my door. Mina and her followers forced their way into my room.

"I love it! Your room looks amazing Y/N!"

"Thanks, Mina!"

I got a few more compliments on my room before Mina dragged me to the next room. as we were walking, she handed me a piece of cake.

"Sato made it and I grabbed a slice for you."

"Thanks, Mina!"

We looked at the rest of the rooms, and when it was time to vote, I, along with all of the girls, voted for Sato. Sato won, but some of the boys were accusing him of bribing us. If he was, it was a good bribe.

It seemed like everyone was done, so I went to bed. I snuggled back into my blanket. Hopefully, with the dorms, I would have something to distract me after my nightmares like I did tonight. I fell asleep, and for the first time since my kidnapping, I had a dreamless sleep instead of a nightmare.

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