"I think you should keep Peter around. Act exactly the same." Hermione started, only to be met with looks of outrage.

"No." Sirius said on behalf of them all. "He deserves Azkaban's finest sicced on him"

Hermione sighed. It was going to be tough, winning over the Gryffindors. But she hoped she'd get Remus on her side at least.

"Think about it. With Peter still in the Order, still in with you, you can feed him misinformation"

James shook his head "that makes us as bad as him. It's not worth it. We should just get rid of him"

Hermione went for a new tactic "When the Dark Lord is told things that turn out incorrect, what do you think happens to the informant? I've witnessed the terrors, and it's worse than Azkaban Sirius because these people have been evading Azkaban for years"

Lily jumped in "but that's... cruel. Pete' s our friend -"

"No he isn't" Sirius snapped. "He made his coward choice and he can suffer the consequences"

"But we're submitting him for torture. Look, I'm sure this is all just a misunderstanding"

Remus sighed "Hermione's correct. It may not be the most moral, but it's the way to get the upper hand"

Sirius nodded vehemently. James seemed far off again, and Lily frowned like a disappointed mother.

"And don't worry about seeing him around." Hermione added "The Dark Lord sets a lot of tasks to new people, plus he'll be all guilty."

"He's not a fucking Lord" James muttered as he stood from the table and went upstairs. Lily followed, casting them a strange look of disappointment and fear for her husband. For everyone because who could be trusted?

Hermione knocked on Bellatrix's house. Not the Lestrange Manor, but her own place that came in her dowry that she kept for herself.

The witch answered immediately, almost as if she'd just been standing behind the door the entire time.

Bellatrix eyed her up and down before leaning on the doorframe "Hello Ninita"

She stepped aside, letting her walk through the richly furnished place. Hermione assumed she used it for her obvious and well known affairs.

"Hiya Bella"

Hermione sat down neatly, her legs crossed.

"Tea?" Bellatrix asked delicately.

"No" she shook her head and Bellatrix sat down opposite. Hermione cleared her throat "So. I've been under pressure by my parents to... meet someone new. I didn't have anyone else to talk to"

Bellatrix nodded, moving to sit beside her.  "I agree. Regulus would want you to move on"

Hermione looked up, feigning a wince. "Any ideas?"

"Well" Bellatrix tapped her fingers against the table thoughtfully "Bartys free, but he's mental. Cute, and a brilliant shag, but mental."

"You had a thing with Barty?"

Bella laughed "I've had a thing with everybody, darling. But anyway, scrap Barty. He's unhinged. I mean, unless you like that?"

Hermione shook her head.

"Any of the Rowle's? Thorfinn isn't exactly ugly, and Elladora you knew her in school right?"

"Her and Reg were on the Quidditch team"

Bellatrix scrunched up her nose "Maybe Stan? I mean you've known him forever. And he's not a total sleaze after a while."


She pretended to consider, thinking it over as Bellatrix watched her with a grin. "I mean, sure. I wouldn't mind"

"Excellent. Now someone can keep me company at those dreadful family dinners"

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